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Mother Gong Sunhui, as a noble-born lady, would not indulge Wang Luomiao without principles. She was left to sulk on her own.

Then, Wang Luoyi and Wang Shoujie, the two siblings, enjoyed their meal together, chatting and laughing heartily. "Mother, this is the belly meat of an Ironback Barbarian Pig, cooked to perfection. It's tender, not greasy, and melts in your mouth. Try some," Wang Shoujie said, using chopsticks to serve Gong Sunhui a piece of good meat, and vividly describing the flavors.

"Gulp." Wang Luomiao, who was sulking on the side, swallowed hard, her mouth watering.

"Sister, did you cook this stir-fried inner rib dish yourself?" Wang Shoujie asked, eating and praising, "Your control of the fire is truly exceptional, fresh and tender, just like savoring a divine delicacy."

"Just eat your food, why so much chatter?" Wang Luoyi glared at him, then sympathetically glanced at Wang Luomiao, who was almost drooling.

"Brother, I want to eat too," Wang Luomiao finally couldn't resist, crying out and rushing to the dinner table.

Unfortunately, her small head was stopped by Wang Shoujie's finger, who smiled and said, "Call me good brother, or you won't get to eat."

"Good brother," Wang Luomiao finally gave in to the temptation of the delicious food, surrendering completely.

Wang Shoujie laughed and picked her up, putting her in a chair and serving her meat and vegetables. The little girl was starving, wolfing down her food, and this meal was incredibly delicious.

After dinner, the family chatted over tea. In the evening, when Wang Shoujie returned, his servant Wang Gui carried a large pile of things, including meat, clothing, shoes, and socks.

Wang Luoyi, who was usually quite idle, had recently been staying at home, not going out, and had nothing to do, so he had sewn many clothes. Wang Shoujie accepted them with a smile and again urged Wang Luoyi to cultivate diligently.

He even asked Gong Sunhui to cultivate diligently, not to slack off.

That night, Wang Shoujie sat cross-legged in his room, entering cultivation mode.

Practicing the Mysterious Origin Technique every day was an indispensable task. The path to spiritual cultivation was a step-by-step process, and any slackening was unacceptable.

However, today's cultivation was different from usual.

Usually, he would use the Mysterious Origin Technique to circulate his qi, refine his internal energy, strengthen his body, and nourish his Mysterious Qi. At most, he would take one Minor Nourishing Pill per month to aid his cultivation. But this time, Wang Shoujie held a Spirit Stone in his hand.

The Spirit Stone in his palm felt slightly cold, and he could sense the mysterious and profound energy it contained.

He operated his Mysterious Qi, contacting and colliding with the Spirit Stone.

Suddenly, the energy within the Spirit Stone was activated, emitting a faint light. Wang Shoujie quickly absorbed the energy into his body.

"Whoa, amazing!"

The energy's stimulation was very strong, making his whole body tremble for several breaths. He couldn't waste it, so he endured the wonderful feeling, wrapping himself in the energy and starting to circulate his qi.

With each circulation, his internal energy surged, like washing his marrow and cleansing his skin. The Mysterious Qi in his Qi Ocean grew stronger and more refined.

After more than two hours, four circulations later, Wang Shoujie's meridians and acupoints ached, and he slowly stopped his cultivation. His body's meridians and acupoints were already at their limit.

If he continued to cultivate, it would not only be useless but also harmful to his body. He needed to rest and let his body's functions gradually recover before he could cultivate again.

Therefore, internal cultivation could only be done once a day. In Wang Shoujie's understanding, his body needed to cool down and recover, and he needed to replenish his energy with food, not overexert himself.

However, the result of this cultivation was very satisfying to Wang Shoujie. Most of his internal energy had been consumed, and the new Mysterious Qi in his Qi Ocean had become even more refined and pure.

To know, he had been eating very well recently, and his internal energy had always been abundant. Even if he cultivated every day, he couldn't completely consume his energy.

But today's cultivation had given him a faint feeling of energy deficiency.

This should be the effect of the Spirit Stone's energy aiding his cultivation. Wang Shoujie looked at the Spirit Stone, which had already lost some of its luster, and felt a sense of gratitude. The Spirit Stone's energy had greatly helped him, not only supplementing his energy but also working with his Mysterious Qi to stimulate his body's acupoints, achieving the goal of self-strengthening.

"If I continue like this, it won't take long to reach the sixth peak of the Qi Refining Realm, and I can try to break through to the seventh layer.

It's just a pity that, although I've made great progress, this cultivation method is extremely extravagant.

One Spirit Stone is worth over a hundred gold coins, and I don't know how long it'll last me. Although I believe that using Spirit Stones for cultivation will be a huge expense in the long run.


Wang Shoujie thought of his niece Wang Lici, who had recently started to make progress under his "encouragement" and had even awakened a unique talent for eating.

At this thought, he couldn't help but reveal a relieved smile.

Time for a bath and a nap.

The next day, Wang Shoujie got up early to practice his martial arts, combat skills, swordsmanship, and archery. As a young patriarch, he had a small training ground not far from his courtyard, where he had spent his entire childhood.

At a young age, he had achieved so much, not just because of his bloodline or his position as a young patriarch. His basic martial arts, combat skills, swordsmanship, and archery were all polished to perfection. Even the Wang Clan's secret techniques, such as the mid-grade body technique "Willow Fluff Body Technique" and the mid-grade sword technique "Wang Clan Mystic Origin Sword", had reached a certain level of proficiency.

This was thanks to the strict guidance of his father Wang Dingyue and his own hard work.

The clan's techniques, martial arts, and combat skills were all inherited from Ancestor Zouxuan, who had brought them out when he went south with the Longzuo Wang Clan's agreement.

These inherited techniques were extremely important for a clan's foundation. For example, the Wang Clan's main technique, the "Mysterious Origin Technique", had the "Qi Refining Volume" and the "Spirit Realm Volume", which were enough to take family members to the end of the Spirit Realm and into the Heaven-Human Realm.

However, the inheritance of techniques was extremely strict. First, family members were not allowed to spread them outside, and second, if someone was caught stealing techniques, it would be a major incident.

Even married-out daughters were not allowed to teach their husbands' families the techniques, and any smart husband's family would not dare to make such a request, lest they be seen as untrustworthy.

Otherwise, the two families would at least have a murder case, and at worst, their good relationship would be completely broken, and they would become sworn enemies.

And the family that stole techniques would lose credibility and find it hard to regain their footing. Who would dare to form an alliance with such a family that didn't know the rules?

Ancestor Zouxuan was from the Longzuo Wang Clan, and the Longzuo Wang Clan was a branch that split from the Da Qian Wang Clan over a thousand years ago. Therefore, the Wang Clan's Mysterious Origin Technique, although only mid-grade, was already considered quite good in the Changning Guard region.

At most, only a third of the families had core techniques that reached mid-grade.

As for Ancestor Longyan, she had previously cultivated the Wang Clan's Mysterious Origin Technique, and when she reached the Purple Palace Academy, she was taken as a disciple by Master Binglan and began to cultivate the high-grade technique "Mystic Ice Technique". Because the Wang Clan's Mysterious Origin Technique had cultivated a balanced and upright Mysterious Qi, it was easier to switch to other techniques.

However, someone like Ancestor Longyan, who was strong-willed and domineering, would never dare to teach the Mystic Ice Technique to her family. That would not only be of no benefit to the family but would also put them in a dangerous position.

With the Purple Palace Academy's methods, they could destroy the Ping'an Wang Clan in no time, and no one would dare to say a word.

Let's put the matter of technique inheritance aside for now.

Wang Shoujie had been busy with family matters lately and hadn't slacked off in his cultivation, but his martial arts and combat skills had indeed fallen behind. Cultivating only his spiritual realm without practicing martial arts and combat skills would be like building an empty framework.

Not to mention Wang Shoujie, who was a pillar of the family and needed to walk the path of immortals, but even any male member of the family had to diligently practice martial arts and combat skills.

Previously, the family had lower expectations for the girls in this regard, which was why there were lazy eaters like Wang Lici. With a cultivation level of Qi Refining Realm second layer, she was just an empty shell, only able to bully ordinary people.

But Wang Luoqiu had given him a lot of pressure and motivation. That girl's mid-second-grade aura was still very intimidating, and she must have spent a lot of effort on her cultivation every day.

In the future, if he wasn't careful, he might really be surpassed by her, and what would happen to his face? Looking at how she had buried her own brother Wang Shoulian, he knew the outcome wouldn't be good.

Time to get serious!

Wang Shoujie began to cultivate with all his might, sweating profusely.

His personal servant Wang Gui also followed him in his cultivation, and for some reason, his motivation had become even stronger, with a fighting spirit.


At the same time, in the largest training ground in the main residence, a group of young men and women were also sweating and toiling away.

Wang Luoqiu's childish yet somewhat overbearing voice rang out: "Wang Luojing, what are you slacking off for? Are you going to rely on your Spirit Insects? If you don't practice your martial arts and combat skills, I'll crush you the moment I reach my peak!"

"Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, the family's ranking is about to open, and the path to the throne is slowly revealing itself. If you don't work hard, how can you compete with the various heavenly proud ones for that one thread of heavenly opportunity?"

"I, Wang Luoqiu, will definitely surpass my peers, trample the heavenly proud ones, and dominate the world!"


Wang Shoulian's tears were flowing, and he was filled with regret. He shouldn't have let Wang Luoqiu read those legendary stories that were passed down among boys.

What had she become? She was talking about "trampling the heavenly proud ones" and "dominating the world" all the time.

We're just a ninth-grade family in a rural area, okay?

Do we need to set our life goals so high?"

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->#65: Rescued the Position to Meet Misfortune, Eldest Young Lady



Luoqiu is my absolute favorite Character. Lmao a true main character potential.


Hehe, she is quite fun. And yeah, if you find any mistake, I mean any while reading, just comment and I will correct them. If any wrong chapters or some errors come, just comment. And one more thing, is the release speed okay? 3 chapters a day is my limit as the chapters are really long...