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Wang Luoyi and Gong Sunhui were both watching the commotion, laughing and having a great time, rarely seeing Wang Shoujie being scolded to the point of being helpless, which was quite entertaining.

"Alright, let's not argue today, let's eat first," Wang Luomiao said with a wave of his hand, sighing as he sat down at the table. "We'll talk about it later. This business of flirting with girls is a profound study, Wang Shoujie. You'll understand later."

"Mom, where did she learn all this from?" Wang Shoujie asked weakly as he sat down at the table.

Gong Sunhui gave him a sideways glance and said with a smile, "Who told you to not take flirting with your sister seriously?"

"Take a lesson, take a lesson. Later, I'll upgrade my skills in flirting with my sister," Wang Shoujie said, wiping away cold sweat. He really couldn't underestimate those little girls, each one was a master. Lu Xiao Xiao, Wang Luojing, Wang Luoqiu, Wang Lici, and even little Wang Luomiao was quite formidable.

His younger brothers probably wouldn't be too stupid either, but in front of their elder brother, they would definitely be cautious and not dare to speak out. They probably wouldn't dare to act out of line, otherwise, they would face even greater punishment.

The Wang Clan was much stricter with their male members than with their female members.

"Let's eat first, or we'll all starve to death," Wang Luoyi said with a laugh, calling Wang Xiaoyu to start serving the dishes. She had somehow managed to get some spirit wine, not the White Jade Spirit Rice wine, but a type of blue-colored spirit fruit wine.

The spirit fruit was even rarer than the White Jade Spirit Rice, with the effect of nourishing the body and beautifying the skin, making it a favorite among the Martial Clan's women.

The dishes weren't complicated, mostly fresh vegetables from the farm, which were light and refreshing to eat. To cater to Wang Shoujie's high demand for qi and blood supplements, they had specially prepared a large plate of braised meat and other meat dishes.

"Hey, this isn't Spirit-Horned Yak meat," Wang Shoujie said, looking at the plate of meat in surprise.

The Changning Guard region also had two powerful heavenly families, one of which was the Changning's Huangfu Family, which owned a massive ranch that raised ordinary cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep, as well as the famous Spirit-Horned Yak.

Most families' main source of meat was from the Huangfu Family. Especially the Spirit-Horned Yak, which was almost the main source of spiritual meat for all the major families.

Thanks to this ranch, the heavenly Huangfu Family was making a fortune, and it was not just limited to the ranch. Therefore, any heavenly family would not be simple, with comprehensive strength that was awe-inspiring.

"This is the meat of a wild, second-tier top-grade ferocious beast - the Ironback-barbarian Pig," Wang Luoyi said. "The qi and blood it contains are far more abundant than the cultivated Spirit-Horned Yak. You've been working hard lately, so this is just what you need to supplement your qi and blood."

Wow, a second-tier top-grade ferocious beast was equivalent to the peak of the human Qi Refining Realm. However, under normal circumstances, humans at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm would find it difficult to defeat a wild ferocious beast of the same level in a one-on-one battle.

Or, to put it another way, it was almost impossible to fight it alone, and if you lost, you'd lose your life, and if you won, you'd probably be half-dead.

Wild ferocious beasts were often skilled in wilderness battles, with a fierce and terrifying aura. That Ironback-barbarian Pig was like a tank, with thick skin and rough meat, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

Humans needed not only strength but also strategy and traps to hunt such ferocious beasts. The Wang Clan's fleet on the river also needed to use strategy and skill to catch Spirit Fish.

"Sister, you've got spirit fruit wine and second-tier top-grade ferocious beast meat," Wang Shoujie said, slightly surprised. "Where did you get all this from? Did you strike it rich?"

Wang Luoyi's face turned slightly red as she said in a low voice, "It was all sent by Chen Fang Jie's retainer, letting us try some fresh goods. They said their fleet found a lone Ironback-barbarian Pig on the wild shore not far from the riverbank. Chen Clan's Old Ancestor Jun Yao led the team to attack and hunt it down."

A lone Ironback-barbarian Pig?

Wang Shoujie's face was filled with envy, this was a great way to supplement qi and blood, and this Ironback-barbarian Pig was worth much more than the East Sea arrow flag fish he had caught. Although that fish was also second-tier, it was far from reaching the level of a second-tier top-grade beast.

However, if a second-tier top-grade ferocious beast really appeared nearby, it would be a disaster for the Wang Clan. If their Old Ancestor couldn't take action, hunting it down would likely result in significant casualties.

I envy those who have an ancestor who can lead the team to hunt in the wild.

Fortunately, our Ancestor Longyan is currently transforming her yin energy and actively treating her injuries. Once she recovers, her comprehensive combat power will likely surpass that of Old Ancestor Jun Yao.

"Ding ding, ding ding."

Two clear and crisp sounds of a bowl being tapped interrupted Wang Shoujie's thoughts.

"Wang Shoujie, my dear brother," Wang Luomiao said from the side, tapping the bowl, "listen to how Chen Fang Jie is doing it. He's not even married yet, but he's already thinking of sending gifts to curry favor with his future wife. I'm telling you, this is how you cultivate feelings - by showing concern before the wedding. You can't neglect our sister-in-law Ruolan."

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but laugh and cry, pinching her cheek: "What do you know, little girl? The Liu Clan is much stronger than ours, what do they lack? And don't tap the bowl during meals." Chen Fang Jie sent a gift to his sister, but the little girl set him on fire.

"Ah, ah, you're right, brother," Gong Sunhui said, weighing her words, "but Luomiao also has a point. Although it's not proper to send gifts privately before the wedding, it's good to show concern for Ruolan, who will soon be our Wang Clan's daughter-in-law. Why don't you, Luomiao, send some of the best parts of the second-grade Spirit Fish you caught to her?"

"Okay, mother," Wang Shoujie replied, although he thought it was unnecessary.

"It's best to write a letter to go with it," Wang Luomiao suggested, her eyes shining, "to express our good intentions to Ruolan sister-in-law."

"Don't talk nonsense," Wang Shoujie scolded, giving her a small slap, "and don't call her sister-in-law yet. You're still young, focus on nurturing your body, building your foundation, and doing your homework. Learn some basic arithmetic."

Wang Shoujie knew that the young girls in the family loved to read romantic novels, while the boys liked to read heroic adventure stories. These were small books that circulated privately among the siblings of various clans. Although Wang Luomiao was only eight years old, children of the Martial Clan started their education early, and the smarter ones could read many characters by that age.

"Waaah~" Wang Luomiao burst into tears, "Mother, brother is bullying me."

"Your brother is right," Gong Sunhui said sternly, "you shouldn't be reading those frivolous books. Hand them over to me after we get back. And we need to rectify this family atmosphere."

"Mother, I was wrong," Wang Luomiao apologized, glancing at Wang Shoujie with resentment in her eyes.

"Mother, nowadays, little girls are very smart and can't be underestimated. Luomiao is a clever and sensitive girl, so we must be thorough in our search," Wang Shoujie said seriously, "check every nook and cranny, including under the bed, on the beams, and under the desk. And don't forget the servant girls who take care of her daily needs."

"Ah, ah, you're right," Gong Sunhui agreed, her expression serious.


Wang Luomiao was caught off guard and burst into tears again, "Mean brother, you're always bullying me. No wonder big sister says you're a big bad guy, a terrifying Great Demon King."


Big sister's propaganda about him was indeed relentless. As his "evil reputation" spread with her little fish crisps, it reached every corner.

At that moment, Wang Shoujie drank his spiritual wine and ate his spiritual meat, saying calmly, "If mother wants to rectify this atmosphere, we need to pay attention to the source and cut off the transmission channels. We should also prepare some classic works that have been passed down for thousands of years, so our children can appreciate the immortal works of the ancients. I think the ancient classic 'The Eastern Town Hall Records' is quite good, with its beautiful language and majestic atmosphere. Luomiao can use it to practice her writing and accumulate cultural knowledge."

"Huh?" Wang Luomiao stopped crying, her eyes wide with surprise. What's with this broken book? Wang Shoujie, you're taking revenge on me!

"This?" Gong Sunhui was hesitant, "although this classic is good, its ancient style is too strong, and the language is too obscure. Even I find it difficult to read, let alone Luomiao..."

"Waaah, mother is the best, you know how to comfort me," Wang Luomiao smiled happily, what's with this broken book? I have no interest in it.

The recently popular small book "The Overbearing Wife's Beautiful Life" is much more fun to read, with its ups and downs and beautiful language.

"No problem," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "Luomiao is a clever girl, not an ordinary one. At first, she might find it difficult to copy and recite, but with persistence, she'll get it eventually."

"What's with this?" Wang Luomiao shuddered at the thought of copying it a hundred times. What's the point of copying it until it's memorized?

Wang Luomiao looked at her gentle and beautiful mother, her panicked heart calming down. Yes, I'll be good, mother will take care of me, and definitely won't...

"Ah, ah, you're right, Luomiao is indeed clever, but she lacks patience in her studies, often giving up easily," Gong Sunhui said seriously, "we need to grind and polish her, so she understands the principle of iron becoming a needle and water dripping through stone, becoming better with practice."

"Waaah~" Wang Luomiao cried again, crying so sadly and bitterly.

On the side, Wang Luoyi glanced at Wang Luomiao, then at Wang Shoujie, who was looking at Luomiao with a "doting" expression. She couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

No wonder big sister would turn pale and tremble at the mention of Fourth Uncle's name. At this moment, she was grateful to be Wang Shoujie's sister, not his sister-in-law or niece, otherwise, she would also be shrouded in darkness and fear.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->#64: Clan Cultivation Technique Inheritance


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