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Wang Shoujie actually didn't go far, secretly watching and listening from a distance. He still cared deeply about his younger siblings in the family.

At first, he was still listening intently, nodding frequently. With Wang Luoqiu present, these younger siblings all felt a huge pressure. This pressure, if converted into motivation, would be a good thing.

But when he heard that little girl speaking out of turn, even Wang Shoujie had to suppress her. Hehe, Wang Luoqiu, Fourth Brother will definitely give you a good lesson, making you feel the care of an older brother.

However, Wang Shoujie still felt some pressure and needed to cultivate well. He couldn't lose to them next year, or it would be embarrassing.

The family had invested heavily in resources for the new generation, and with Wang Luoqiu's [Little Demon] stirring things up, these kids' growth rate wouldn't slow down.

Wang Shoujie was ultimately very pleased. A family that wanted to thrive couldn't rely on just one person, or they would exhaust themselves. A family's true foundation was a continuous line of excellent descendants.

The young generation of the Wang Clan was currently in their best growth period.

However, the family had been too poor in the past, and it was already a struggle to support one direct descendant to reach the 9th level of Qi Refining Realm. The 30-year cultivation process had cost nearly 10,000 gold, and the higher they went, the more resources they needed.

The other siblings, even the 8th generation children, couldn't be cultivated like Wang Shoujie, no matter how excellent their talent was. The family couldn't afford to raise another Wang Shoujie.

Therefore, the young generation had more resources before the age of 12, but afterwards, resources would become increasingly scarce. Boys had a slight advantage over girls, but it was still limited.

Now, these kids were relying on their elders to conserve resources and cultivate with difficulty. Take Third Brother Wang Shuonuo, for example. At 20 years old, he had finally reached the peak of the 3rd level of Qi Refining Realm, but he still had to rely on compressing his sister's Minor Nourishing Pill to make a breakthrough.

Second Brother Wang Shouyi was already 33 years old and had only reached the 5th level of Qi Refining Realm. Why? While there were reasons for his mediocre talent, the lack of resources was the biggest culprit.

Wang Shoujie remembered Deacon Zhong Zhong Xingwang, whose talent was naturally far inferior to Wang Shoujie's. Even in the Wang Clan, he would be considered mid-to-lower tier. But he was now a dignified Spirit Realm cultivator!

Why was that? Because he was a direct descendant of the Celestial Family, and as long as he wasn't a talentless waste, he could be cultivated to the Spirit Realm with enough resources.

In other words, if Wang Shoujie had an enormous amount of resources, these siblings could all be cultivated to the Spirit Realm.

If they had the same resources as Wang Shoujie, by his age, they wouldn't dare say they could reach the 7th level of Qi Refining Realm, but at least the 5th or 6th level would be possible.

Wang Shoujie's life had been planned out clearly, and he would likely break through to the Spirit Realm around 38 to 40 years old. For siblings with mediocre talent, it would take around 50 to 60 years.

Of course, due to their slower cultivation pace, the longer they took to break through, the more resources they would consume. Therefore, most families prioritized cultivating talented descendants on the path to the Spirit Realm.

Let's put the idle chatter aside for now.

After giving Wang Luoqiu a "special attention" label, Wang Shoujie walked out several dozen meters, turned a few corners, and arrived at a pond, where he summoned Wang Gui.

He took off his outer clothes, tore open a corner of his inner shirt, revealing a large swelling on his arm.

That small, poisonous spider's venom was indeed potent. He estimated that a martial artist with only 2-3 levels of Qi Refining Realm would be knocked out for a while if they were bitten.


Wang Gui was startled and said, "I'll go call a doctor."

"No need, I've already controlled the toxin," Wang Shoujie said calmly, cutting open a small wound and using his Mysterious Qi to expel the controlled toxin.

Luckily, the battle had been resolved quickly. If it had been a prolonged fight, he might not have been able to control the toxin.

This was just a ordinary poisonous insect's venom, not some kind of deadly poison. Otherwise, even Wang Shoujie might not have been able to control it.

This incident also taught him a lesson: he couldn't underestimate anyone. In the future, he needed to work harder on defense against toxins, as there were many strange and deadly poisons in the world.

After Wang Gui helped him clean the bloodstains, he put his clothes back on.

They finally arrived at Wang Luoyi's residence.

Wang Xiaoyu had been waiting there and welcomed Wang Shoujie in.

At this time, Wang Luoyi also walked out of the main hall, and upon seeing her brother, her face lit up with a smile: "Shoujie, you've finally arrived. Luoyi's sister has been waiting for a long time and is getting hungry."

Wang Luoyi was 20 years old, a sister of Wang Shoujie's with the same parents. She was naturally beautiful, with a calm and natural demeanor, and had a noble air about her as the eldest daughter.

Although she wasn't very dedicated to cultivation, she had still reached the peak of the 4th level of Qi Refining Realm. However, it was no wonder, as most girls in aristocratic families cultivated like this, unless they were destined for the path to the Spirit Realm.

Just like their mother, Gong Sunhui, who was at the 4th level of Qi Refining Realm when she married their father, Wang Dingyue, at 19 years old. Now, at 30 years old, she was only at the 6th level, and her combat strength was not even worth mentioning!

"No matter whether it's the Gong Sun Clan or the Wang Clan, neither has the power to support Gong Sunhui in impacting the Spirit Realm. Similarly, under normal circumstances, the Wang Clan and the Chen Clan of Donggang don't have the resources to support Wang Luoyi in cultivating her spiritual platform.

Unless Wang Luoyi's talent is exceptionally excellent, the family would spare no expense to cultivate her, but that would be similar to taking the path of Ancestor Longyan's spiritual platform.

"I've seen Sister. I ran into Guardian Yong, Luo Jing, and Luo Qiu on the way and chatted with them for a bit." Wang Shoujie bowed and smiled, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Sister. Let's go see Luo Miao."

At the same time, Wang Gui handed the gifts to Wang Xiaoyu and accompanied her to the side hall to eat and wait.

"What's with you, bringing gifts to Sister's place?" Wang Luoyi whispered, "You'd better save some money. You're also lacking in resources for your cultivation. Here, I've saved 50 gold coins. You can take them first and use them." She wasn't very familiar with the family's finances and didn't know about the Wang Clan's current large investments and resource injections.

"Sister, you keep the money for yourself." Wang Shoujie said seriously, "And, Sister, you should also work harder on your cultivation. With the Chen Clan's rising momentum, Chen Fang Jie's chances of achieving the Spirit Realm in the future are not low."

As soon as Wang Luoyi heard Chen Fang Jie's name, her face turned slightly red, and she whispered, "What's with you, mentioning him?" After a pause, she also said helplessly, "I'll try harder to cultivate, but I still can't take the path of the spiritual platform."

"That's not necessarily true, the future is still long, Sister. You should focus on the present." Wang Shoujie said, "Maybe one day, the situation will change."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wang Luoyi agreed, and then pulled Wang Shoujie's arm, saying, "Let's go eat, don't keep Mother and Sister waiting."

"Okay." Wang Shoujie didn't say much more and followed her to the inner hall, knowing that Wang Luoyi's personality was gentle on the surface but very strong inside. If she agreed to do something, she would definitely find a way to do it.

As they entered the inner hall, a 8-9 year old little girl with braids, dressed cutely, ran over, jumping and skipping: "Brother, Brother. Why did you come so late? Miao Miao's stomach is growling." She said, rubbing her little belly with a pitiful expression.

"Oh, my little princess Miao Miao's stomach is growling, that's bad news." Wang Shoujie laughed and picked her up with one hand, "Brother will perform a magic trick to make up for it. You can watch, don't blink."

As he spoke, Wang Shoujie's right hand flipped, and suddenly a package of dried fish snacks appeared. This small snack was quite tasty, and the girls at home seemed to like it, so Luo Miao would probably be deeply fond of it too.

"Wow, little fish crisps!" Wang Luomiao was immediately disappointed, "I have a lot of these already."

Wang Luoyi on the side also covered her mouth and chuckled: "Shoujie, your trick isn't working. Li Ci has already sent over a lot of little fish crisps, and I have some too."


Wang Shoujie touched his nose, feeling a bit embarrassed. Had Wang Lici "embezzled" the little fish crisps resources to play politics? It was also correct, she didn't dare to offend Luo Miao and Luo Yi, after all, they were the Great Demon King's Fourth Uncle's sisters.

Okay, the big girl was still... quite philosophical about life.

Yes, the lessons she had received recently hadn't been in vain. She would have to continue to work hard.

"You, you need to use your brain when spoiling your sister too. Luo Miao is already 8 years old." Wang Luoyi looked at him with a smile, finding it amusing.

"Yes, yes, Luo Miao is already 8 years old, not a 4-5 year old little girl." Wang Luomiao blinked her shining eyes and said, "Brother, can't you be more thoughtful?"

"Okay, then Brother will perform a set of martial arts for you." Wang Shoujie said helplessly, "You little girl, you're getting harder and harder to please."


Wang Luomiao slapped her forehead, showing a hopeless expression, and looked at Wang Shoujie with disdain, saying: "Brother, which girl would like to watch martial arts? You're not good at spoiling girls. If you don't change, life will be difficult after Auntie Lan gets married. Luckily, our ancestors arranged a marriage for you early, sigh~~"

As she spoke, she shook her head and let out a long sigh, looking like she was fed up.

Wang Shoujie's mouth twitched. This little girl's words were harsh, implying that if the family didn't arrange a marriage for him, he wouldn't be able to get a wife?

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->#63: Luomiao Come, let's get injured together


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