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All the younger brothers and sisters in the room were shocked.

Especially Wang Lici, who was blinking rapidly, exclaiming in disbelief. How could someone operate like this? One moment everything was fine, and the next, they were taking action?

However, Wang Shoujie was also impressed by Luo Jing's thinking. Most people would find it difficult to come up with such a plan, especially after being exposed and choosing to act at this moment. The more unexpected the timing, the higher the chances of success.

Unfortunately, she had underestimated Wang Shoujie.

"Luo Jing, Fourth Brother will teach you a lesson," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "Next time you ambush, remember to control your breathing and don't get too tense. Your performance just now was not bad, but your breathing was too rapid, and your heartbeat was too fast. Your technique of releasing the poisonous insect was also a bit rough. However, from a tactical perspective, it was not bad, and deserves praise."

This Fantasy World was very dangerous, and a single battle could determine life or death, even affecting the rise or fall of a family's fate. Wang Shoujie did not want to fight, but if it was unavoidable, he hoped his side would emerge victorious.

"Little Red!" Wang Luojing suddenly burst into tears. "Waaah, Fourth Brother, you're too mean Little Red was caught with great difficulty."


It seemed that Wang Shoujie had been a bit too harsh, and training a poisonous insect like Little Red was not easy.

Just as Wang Shoujie was about to comfort her, he suddenly felt a pain in his right arm, followed by a numbness that spread throughout his body. He was caught off guard and realized he had fallen into a trap With a sudden jerk, a small, thumb-sized spider flew out.

"Luo Jing, you..." Wang Shoujie took a deep breath, never expecting that the original red-headed poisonous insect was just a distraction.

"Fourth Brother, Jing'er will teach you a lesson too," Wang Luojing said with a smile, jumping back about 6 feet away. "First, don't underestimate any Spirit Insect Master, as their tactics can be very cunning and unpredictable. Poisonous insects are not necessarily more toxic just because they're bigger, and some are even invisible to the naked eye."

"Second, don't underestimate any little girl, as their harmless and innocent appearance is just a protective shell. From now on, Fourth Brother, be careful around everyone, especially those who seem gentle and innocent."

Wang Shoujie's face turned red, and he took a deep breath, saying, "I, Fourth Brother, have learned my lesson and will be more careful in the future. Ah, what kind of spider is this? Its toxicity is quite high... Can you give me the antidote first?"

He was impressed, thinking that Luo Jing was indeed a clever and cunning girl. Previously, he had not taken her seriously, but now he had experienced her abilities firsthand.

Tsk, tsk, this girl would definitely not be a kind person when she grew up. No, she was not kind even now.

"Antidote? What's that?" Wang Luojing asked innocently.

Wang Shoujie's expression froze, and he almost spat out blood. Wang Luojing, were you teasing him? You didn't even have an antidote for the poisonous insect, and you were carrying it around?

Aren't you afraid of being bitten?

Most importantly, you even dared to release it to bite your brother...

"Luoqiu, Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, Big Sister, what are you all still standing there for? Hurry up and take action Don't give Fourth Brother time to use Mysterious Qi to force out the toxin," Wang Luojing called out clearly. "Otherwise, you'll all be stuck in the clan school for a year."

She was clear that this level of toxin was impossible to completely neutralize for Fourth Brother.

"Great Demon King Fourth Brother, take a punch from me," Six Sister Wang Luoqiu reacted, her eyes shining brightly as she took a step forward, using the Wang Clan's Basic Fist Techniques to attack Wang Shoujie. Her stance was perfect, and her technique was better than many male disciples.

Wang Shoujie was not surprised but delighted by her basic skills and fist techniques. Wang Luojing was not simple, and in the end, even he had fallen for her trick.

And this Six Sister Wang Luoqiu was also not simple, her combat skills were so proficient. Completely different from other girls, who only focused on cultivating their spiritual realm and neglected their physical skills, swordsmanship, and archery.

He had truly underestimated Wang Luoqiu.

At the same time, Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian also rushed towards Wang Shoujie: "Fourth Brother, forgive us, we were forced to do this."

Even Wang Lici was shouting as she attacked Wang Shoujie: "Take down the Great Demon King." Unfortunately, her cultivation was not bad, but her stance and fist techniques were too sloppy, clearly not well-practiced.

"Good, good, good, your courage is truly beyond my expectations," Wang Shoujie laughed. "Unfortunately, you all underestimated me. Let me show you what a true Great Demon King looks like."


As he spoke, Wang Shoujie flipped his hand, and a burst of Mysterious Qi erupted, sending Wang Shouyong, who had reached the second layer of the Qi Refining Realm, flying out.

When it came to solid basic skills, few people in the older generation could compare to Wang Shoujie, let alone the younger generation.

As the exceptionally talented eldest son, with massive resources invested in his cultivation, his direction was clearly to become a future Ancestor-level figure. How could he be just a mere high-level cultivator?

Among his younger siblings, he was as unpredictable as a willow leaf in the wind, making it impossible to grasp his movements.

"Ah, our family's Medium-grade Martial Arts Technique - Willow Fluff Body Technique." Wang Luojing, who was observing from the side, was shocked. Fourth Brother had hidden his skills too deeply, even mastering the Willow Fluff Body Technique to such an extent.

What shocked her even more was Wang Shoujie's resistance to toxins. Her small, spotted spider, although not a spiritual insect, could knock out a 400-600 pound pig with a single bite.

Fourth Brother, however, seemed unaffected, making him even more terrifying. He was indeed a Great Demon King-level figure, leaving everyone powerless.

We lost!

All the younger siblings, including a niece, were defeated. They lay on the ground, moaning and groaning. The girls were slightly better off, not having been hit in the face.

Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian, as 14-15 year old family males, naturally received extra care from Wang Shoujie, but were still beaten until their noses were blue and faces swollen.

"Hehe, since we had an agreement, then accept your defeat." Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "For the entire year, I'll make sure you all do your homework well. I believe our Wang Clan descendants are all responsible and keep their promises."

As soon as he said this, everyone's faces turned sour. Okay, the days ahead would be tough.

"Hmph." Wang Luoqiu, the youngest, had a lot of backbone, "I'll study hard, and next year I'll definitely cultivate well."

"Good courage, welcome you all to continue next year." Wang Shoujie smiled lightly, "Luoqiu, you seem the most spirited. Go back and supervise everyone well."

After he left, the younger siblings and niece finally got up from the ground, looking at each other in dismay. Wang Shoujie, that Great Demon King, was indeed too difficult to deal with.

"Everyone, cheer up." Wang Luoqiu said, "Fourth Brother may be powerful, but we're five people. We'll each advance one level in a year, and next year will be different."

Easy for you to say. Everyone gave Wang Luoqiu a white eye, thinking she was like a little demon, having reached the second level of the Qi Refining Realm at just 11 years old.

"I don't care, whoever lags behind, I'll beat them up." Wang Luoqiu said with a domineering tone, "I'll set a target for everyone. Wang Luojing, you must at least reach the high segment of the second level next year and strive to become a true first-rank Spirit Insect Master, mastering two spiritual insects, including the Amethyst Spirit Bee. By then, your combat power will be unmatched, even against fourth-level opponents."

Wang Luojing's eyes lit up, this was indeed the truth. If she could really reach that level, even her 20-year-old brother Wang Shuonuo would be no match for her.

"Wang Shouyong, you're currently at the high segment of the second level, and at 15 years old, your foundation is still not solid." Wang Luoqiu pointed out, "I don't have high demands, just reach the middle segment of the third level next year and solidify your foundation. Otherwise, don't blame me for beating you up every time I see you."

This wasn't a high demand? Wang Shouyong almost cried, being scolded by his six-year-old sister like this was too embarrassing. But Luoqiu was indeed very powerful, and if he didn't work hard, he might be beaten up by her every day.

"Wang Shoulian, why are you hanging your head? Where's the dignity of a Wang Clan man?" Wang Luoqiu lifted up Wang Shoulian, who was a head shorter than her, "You're my brother, and we're all siblings born to the same parents. You're 14 years old and only at the second level? Alas, it's all because I, as your sister, didn't supervise you enough."

Wang Shoulian almost cried, being 14 and at the second level wasn't slow, was it? But with a little demon sister like this, the pressure was too great.

"I don't care, by next year, if you haven't reached the third level, see how I'll deal with you." Wang Luoqiu forced him to accept the task, "And remember to come find me every day to practice martial arts and combat techniques."

The third level of the Qi Refining Realm... the pressure was too great But he couldn't refuse, or he'd be beaten up by his sister.

"And what about me?" Wang Lici asked, "Do I need to reach the middle segment of the third level next year too?"

"You?" Wang Luoqiu looked her up and down, shaking her head after a long time, "You eat too much, your physical strength is weak, even if you reach the third level, it'll be useless. Forget it, just focus on supporting from the side next year."

Wang Lici's small mouth pouted, I'm the eldest sister, after all.

Hmph, Wang Luoqiu, I'll remember this Thirty years from now, I'll come back and take back my position as the eldest sister.

Finally, Wang Luoqiu, imitating Wang Shoujie's walk, said, "As for me, Wang Luoqiu, as a once-in-a-century talented young girl, the pressure to carry the family's rise is also very heavy. Let's set a small goal, to cultivate to the high segment of the third level next year."


Wang Luoqiu, have you gone crazy? This is still a small goal? Are you trying to reach the sky? Twelve years old and at the high segment of the third level, are you trying to surpass Great Demon King Fourth Brother?

"Hehe, I heard a rumor that the family's rankings are about to open." Wang Luoqiu looked up at the sky with a childish face, "I, Wang Luoqiu, a lonely talented young girl, carrying the hope and destiny of the family's rise, am destined to become a goddess like Ancestor Longyan. By then, even Great Demon King Wang Shoujie will have to respectfully call me Ancestor Luoqiu. Haha..."

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 62: Really Steel Male Wang Shouzhe


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