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Actually, Wang Shoujie also had a "let's give it a try" attitude towards this matter.

Getting addicted to gambling is certainly not right, but if Wang Lici really has some mysterious and unexplainable talent, then it's utilizing that talent to pick up treasures, which might not be a bad way to supplement the family's resources.

It's just like those novels about golden pupils that he read in his previous life.

The Wang Clan is too poor, so poor that Ancestor Longyan had to sell his personal spirit tool, the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield, just to scrape together some resources. Especially that third-grade Spirit Elixir, the Zaohua Pill, which is really too expensive, costing a whopping 1,000 gold coins per piece.

It seems that alchemists are the ones who make the most money in this world.

However, to achieve something as an alchemist, one requires extremely high innate abilities. Moreover, cultivating an alchemist requires an enormous investment in the early stages, and if not careful, it could lead to bankruptcy.

But if a family wants to have significant development, cultivating an alchemist is unavoidable.

Let's put aside the idle chatter for now.

Wang Shoujie and Ancestor Longyan re-entered their cultivation mode.

By evening, when Wang Shoujie woke up from his meditation, Wang Lici and the family servants had already returned, but this time, they didn't bring back three gambling stones; instead, they brought back a stone the size of a soccer ball.

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle, the other small stones didn't have anything good, but this big one has something good inside." Wang Lici proudly handed over the large stone.

This conversation is really all over the place.

"Master," Wang Zhong explained from the side, "We accompanied Miss Lici on a half-day outing, and Miss Lici chose this one after haggling and spent 45 gold coins. I and Wang Yong chipped in 15 gold coins."

"Thank you, everyone," Wang Shoujie returned the gold coins that the family servants had supplemented and let Wang Zhong cut open the stone.

This time, Wang Zhong used a chisel to slowly scrape away the 2-3 centimeter thick outer layer, avoiding any waste of Spirit Stones.

Wang Shoujie watched from the side, his heart also becoming tense. This unremarkable broken stone cost 45 gold coins. If it was a bust, it would be a complete loss.

Very quickly, Wang Zhong opened up the stone, revealing a white crystal-like material inside, and he immediately exclaimed with great joy: "Congratulations, Master, congratulations, it's a big hit!"

It really...

Even with Wang Shoujie's temperament, he couldn't help but feel excited, feeling as light as a feather. He had to admit that gambling is very stimulating, no wonder it's easy to get addicted and hard to quit.

It seems that after this, they must increase the family's overall strength, and the younger generation of the family must not get infected with the gambling bug.

However, this big girl's talent is really terrifying. She has completely transcended the concept of "gambling" and is purely relying on her mysterious innate ability to determine that this stone has Spirit Stones inside.

This is completely different from gambling; it's simply picking up money.

Even Wang Shoujie couldn't help but say... it's really amazing.

Half an hour later.

Wang Zhong had removed all the stone's outer layer, and in his hand, there was a large piece of Spirit Stones. If cut properly, it was estimated to yield around ten standard Spirit Stones.

Everyone was shocked, including Ancestor Longyan.

Wang Lici, through the family servants' explanation, also understood that Spirit Stones, although inedible, are good things that can be exchanged for many delicious foods. She was overjoyed, gazing at Wang Shoujie with expectant eyes, as if waiting for Fourth Uncle to give her a reward.

At this moment, Wang Shoujie was also intoxicated, and his gaze towards Wang Lici became strange and peculiar.

Regarding this heartless and gluttonous big niece who could achieve this, he was also very surprised. Could it be that forcing her to read books stimulated some kind of special potential within her?

It's hard to completely rule out this possibility.

For the sake of the family's development, Wang Shoujie's gaze towards Wang Lici became increasingly gentle.

A familiar gaze, a familiar smile.

Wang Lici suddenly felt like the end of the world was coming, feeling that life had no meaning.

Tears, unstoppable, flowed down.

"Okay, okay, I was just teasing you." Wang Shoujie laughed and pinched her chubby cheeks, "You've made a contribution to the family this time. Tell me, what do you want to eat? Fourth Uncle will treat you."


Wang Lici immediately came back to life, blinking her shining eyes, drooling: "Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle. I want to eat steamed giant lobster, a ten-pound one. And abalone, a sea-bowl-sized one, I want to eat five in one breath. And shark's fin..."

"Ah, so that's how it is. Let's talk about reading books first, shall we?" Wang Shoujie smiled more warmly.

"No need, Fourth Uncle. We can do with small lobsters if we can't get big ones. Five pounds will do, or even two pounds if that's all we can get. Abalone is fine, as long as it's fist-sized..."

Of course, Wang Shoujie eventually took her to a delicious meal at a high-end restaurant, meeting all her expectations.

In this world, many plants and animals grow larger, and non-spiritual species are not expensive. The Hundred Island Guard has everything, including seafood, which is still affordable.

Wang Lici was naturally delighted, and after getting off the horse-drawn carriage, she leaned against the wall all the way back to her room, feeling grateful to Wang Shoujie.

Hehe, it's truly simple to the point of being scary.

Later, things went smoothly. Deacon Zhong delivered the resources as promised, worth 31,300 gold coins. Since the purchase was large, Deacon Zhong used his authority to waive the 300 gold coins in change, and Wang Shoujie spent a total of 31,000 gold coins.

The most expensive item was 20 Zaohua Pills, which cost 24,000 gold coins. This shows that the expenses of a Spirit Realm cultivator far exceed those of a Qi Refining Realm cultivator. A poor family can't even afford to have a Spirit Realm cultivator get injured.

However, for a martial clan, not having a Spirit Realm cultivator is like being a dish on someone else's plate.

To express gratitude to Deacon Zhong, Wang Shoujie specially invited him to dinner. Although Ancestor Longyan didn't attend, which disappointed Deacon Zhong somewhat, he was used to the high and cold demeanor of the female deity and quickly became enthusiastic in chatting with Wang Shoujie.

Wang Shoujie ultimately lived up to his name as a transmigrator, with a broad vision and a vastly different mindset, which often made Deacon Zhong exclaim in admiration. After a few cups of spirit wine, they started calling each other brothers.

This made Wang Shoujie break out in a cold sweat. Deacon Zhong really didn't have the demeanor of a Spirit Realm elder. Not to mention compared to Ancestor Zouxuan or Ancestor Longyan, but even compared to Ming Sheng Old Ancestor, he was far inferior.

However, upon careful thought, it was normal. Zhong Xingwang came from a heavenly family, and the number of Spirit Realm cultivators in his family was certainly not small. He didn't need to take on the responsibility of his family's rise and fall.

Moreover, he wasn't a naturally talented person with strong self-confidence, or he wouldn't have needed to enter the Purple Palace Academy through the back door.

Such a person couldn't be looked down upon by the proud and slightly arrogant Ancestor Longyan?

But even if he wasn't looked down upon, Wang Shoujie still wanted to find a way to get along with Deacon Zhong. The heavenly family was too powerful, and having such a connection would make things convenient in the future.

In the following days, everything was calm.

The big girl searched the entire market for all the gamble stones and found two, which opened up six Spirit Stones. She couldn't find any more gamble stones that interested her.

This shows how ruthless the gamble stone market is. Trying to get rich through this is almost like dreaming.

Wang Shoujie and his group boarded the Golden Glory Ship, a merchant ship, and returned to Donggang. Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai was already waiting for them with his ship.

Since Chen Fang Jie was out on business, Wang Shoujie simply thanked Chen Clan Patriarch Chen Dewei and bid farewell.

Some luggage was moved onto Wang Dinghai's ship, including some seafood and local specialties from Hundred Island Guard, among which was a bag of oyster ash that Wang Shoujie had high hopes for. The price of oyster ash was indeed high, with a price comparable to that of grain.

Of course, Wang Shoujie, who truly loved his niece, didn't forget to buy some famous ancient books unique to Hundred Island Guard. He could already imagine Wang Lici's delighted and joyful expression.

The biggest gain from this trip was the solution to Ancestor Longyan's injuries. In recent days, Ancestor Longyan had completely mastered the method of refining evil energy and was gradually refining the evil energy in her body.

Wang Shoujie could even see a hint of eagerness and impatience in Ancestor Longyan's originally gloomy eyes. He thought, the old ancestor would definitely give the two old enemies from the Zhao and Liu clans a huge surprise.

With this thought, Wang Shoujie's mood also changed greatly.

From Donggang back to Ping'an Town, they had to catch the tide. In this world, there was a large satellite in the sky, and there were also tides. When the tide was rising, the water flow of the An River would become much calmer.

At this time, they needed to use the wind and oars. When the sailors' rhythmic shouts started, Wang Shoujie was like a returning arrow.

However, this time, there were some unexpected waves.

Wang Shoujie was meditating in the cabin when the ship suddenly "thudded" and seemed to hit something, causing the entire ship to shake.

At the same time, Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai's angry and anxious shout came from outside: "Guard Shou quickly come out to support us. There's a fierce beast, a second-rank water-dwelling fierce beast!"

A second-rank water-dwelling fierce beast?

Wang Shoujie was startled, but then delighted. This was a spirit food delivered to their doorstep. The old and young in the family were all waiting to be fed.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 55: Casualties and Gains


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