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One night passed.

The next day, there was no uproar in Jinsha City because two wandering cultivators had died. Perhaps some high-ranking officials might investigate a bit, but they wouldn't expend too much effort. In the chaotic Hundred Island Guard, the deaths of two wandering cultivators weren't considered a big deal.

As for the mastermind behind the "Yin Sha Outer Sect" disciple, they would likely be suspicious but unable to openly investigate. After all, the Hundred Island Guard was within the jurisdiction of Longzu County, and wouldn't tolerate any trouble from the Yinsha Sect.

Wang Shoujie and his group naturally acted as if nothing had happened, showing no interest in the conspiracy behind the scenes.

For the small Wang Clan, it was more prudent to focus on their own survival.

The Black Market often opened every few days.

Today was the day the Black Market opened.

In the evening, Wang Shoujie asked Chen Fanghua to arrange a carriage to take him and Ancestor Longyan to the Black Market. This time, no one else accompanied them, just the two of them.

The Black Market was located on the eastern edge of Jinsha City, near the sea, and ordinary people were not allowed to enter. Only martial artists of the Qi Refining Realm level four or above were eligible to enter, and most could only stay in the main hall.

Wang Shoujie and Ancestor Longyan had already disguised themselves completely for today. He looked like a rough man, while Ancestor Longyan was draped in a gray robe, with only her eyes visible.

The two got off the carriage and walked straight to the entrance of the Black Market.

Ancestor Longyan released a bit of her Spirit Realm aura, and immediately, the gatekeeper respectfully invited them into the Black Market, leading them to a private room on the second floor without asking too many questions. However, Ancestor Longyan mentioned that she wanted to sell a spirit tool, immediately gaining the other party's attention, who promised to invite the steward for appraisal.

This was the style of the Black Market, allowing customers to disguise themselves and ensuring their privacy.

This approach made the reputation of the Black Market in Jinsha City's Hundred Island Guard more and more prominent. Many families from surrounding cities might try to participate in Black Market transactions.

Soon, maids came in to offer fruits, tea, and other refreshments before respectfully leaving.

Not long after, a voice sounded outside the private room, "I am Zhong, a steward of the Black Market."

Ancestor Longyan gestured to Wang Shoujie with her eyes.

Understanding the signal, Wang Shoujie went to open the door and invited the steward in. He had seen intelligence before; this Black Market was a joint venture between two Celestial Martial Clans of the Hundred Island Guard — the Zhong Clan and the Ouyang Clan.

The steward wore a black robe and a mask with no expression on his face. Since his surname was Zhong, he should be from the Zhong Clan.

"Deacon Zhong, the patriarch requests your presence." Wang Shoujie, playing the role of the rough man, bowed respectfully to the steward.

After entering, Deacon Zhong politely bowed to Ancestor Longyan in the gray robe, "Thank you for trusting our Black Market. We have been in operation for two hundred years, and our reputation is paramount. You can trade in our market without any concerns. If you have any spirit tools to sell, please show them."

His words were straightforward, reflecting the fundamental principles of the Black Market. Any market operator would value their reputation highly. Building a reputation over two hundred years was no easy feat.

Ancestor Longyan didn't engage in small talk but instead, with a flick of her hand, produced a palm-sized object. It resembled a turtle shell, densely covered with scales and inscribed with complex runes.

"This is the item. How much do you estimate it to be worth?" Her voice was deep and hoarse, deliberately disguising her true tone.

"This item?" Deacon Zhong's expression changed drastically as he examined it closely. In a low, stern voice, he exclaimed, "It's the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield! Where did you get this, friend?"

A powerful aura of the Spirit Realm emanated from him.

Wang Shoujie felt a jolt. What was going on with this Black Market? One moment, they were boasting about their reputation, the next, they were questioning the origin of the item. Despite the pressure of the Spirit Realm, he stood in front of Deacon Zhong and said coldly, "Senior Zhong, do you intend to break the rules of the Black Market?"

His words quickly calmed Deacon Zhong down, though he still seemed solemn, "I've been rash. This Turtle Scale Treasure Shield is an heirloom of great importance to my sect. If you're willing to disclose its origin, I'm prepared to increase the price by ten percent, no, twenty percent."


Wang Shoujie frowned slightly. The Turtle Scale Treasure Shield, as a defensive spirit tool, generally held a value higher than offensive ones. The price could reach tens of thousands of gold! A ten percent increase would mean thousands of gold more.

Why was Deacon Zhong so interested in this treasure? And his words...

"We're not selling. Let's go." Ancestor Longyan quickly put away the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield and said in a low voice.


Deacon Zhong blocked the door and stared at Ancestor Longyan in astonishment, "Sister Longyan, is that you? You, you, you... You're still alive?"

Senior Sister?

Wang Shoujie took a sharp breath. This Deacon Zhong turned out to be Ancestor Longyan's junior brother? He also graduated from Purple Palace Academy... Could it be that between them, there was... He began to let his imagination run wild.

"Who are you!" Ancestor Longyan stopped, a hint of sharpness flickering in her eyes. "How do you know me and why do you recognize the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield?"

"I... I am Zhong Xingwang." Deacon Zhong hastily bowed, "Senior Sister Longyan, do you remember me?"

As he spoke, he voluntarily removed the mask from his face, revealing an ordinary and somewhat aged face.

"Zhong Xingwang?" Ancestor Longyan pondered for a moment, a hint of confusion appearing in her eyes. "I don't recognize you, perhaps I have forgotten."

Deacon Zhong didn't mind and just chuckled, bowing again, "It's normal if Senior Sister Longyan doesn't remember me. At that time, Senior Sister Longyan reached the mid-stage of the Spirit Realm at the age of sixty and was a prominent figure in the academy. As for me, Zhong Xingwang, I only entered the academy through the back door of my family and could only admire Senior Sister's prestige."

As he spoke, admiration, reverence, and even a hint of fear uncontrollably appeared on his face and in his eyes.

Listening to this, Wang Shoujie finally understood. His previous imaginings were all wrong. This Deacon Zhong and Ancestor Longyan weren't some kind of immortal classmates who admired each other. Instead, it was a relationship between a loser and a goddess...

Their ancestor couldn't even remember his name...

And judging by his appearance, he was already showing signs of aging. Yet, he still referred to Ancestor Longyan as Senior Sister and had entered Purple Palace Academy through the back door, likely only advancing to the Spirit Realm at an older age.

He didn't know Ancestor Longyan's family background, which was normal. It was strictly forbidden to publicize one's family in Purple Palace Academy or inquire casually about others' families.

Unless the relationship was extremely close, everyone was just one of the distinguished students, without much distinction based on family background. That was the dominance of Purple Palace Academy.

"Why are you blocking me like this? What do you intend to do?" Ancestor Longyan's voice was cold.

"I dare not, I dare not." Deacon Zhong quickly shook his hand. "If I break the market rules, I'll be beaten to death by the ancestors. Even though they all said Senior Sister died in the foreign realm, I was saddened for many years. So when I saw Senior Sister Longyan, I was a bit excited for a moment. I hope Senior Sister won't mind."

With that, he repeatedly bowed, requesting forgiveness from Ancestor Longyan.

"Then step aside." Ancestor Longyan said coldly.

"Move, move, move... No, no, no." The dignified Spirit Realm Deacon Zhong seemed a bit flustered, "I beg Senior Sister Longyan for a chance to make amends. I wonder why Senior Sister wants to sell the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield? I remember that it was bestowed upon you by Master Binglan!"

"Need money." Ancestor Longyan said icily.

"Money? Why didn't you say so earlier." Deacon Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, then showed a bit of flattery and appeasement, "As a direct descendant of the Zhong Clan, Xingwang has saved some private funds and accumulated some connections. Senior Sister Longyan, how much do you need? I can raise some for you."

Direct descendant of the Zhong Clan?

The Zhong Clan was a prestigious family of Tianren bloodline in the Hundred Island Guard. How could a direct descendant end up like this? Having to rely on backdoor methods to enter the academy. And his appearance, he was like a lapdog.

He was completely indiscriminate, without any skills. He just went straight to flattery like an old lapdog.

Wang Shoujie was speechless. Senior Zhong, oh Senior Zhong, chasing a goddess isn't done like this. Haven't you heard that, in the end, the lapdog has nothing?

Sure enough, the cold aura emanating from Ancestor Longyan gradually intensified, anger rising within her. She sneered, "Zhong, are you planning to buy Wang Longyan?"

Deacon Zhong suddenly felt weak in the legs and panicked, "Senior Sister Longyan, please don't misunderstand, it's just a favor, a favor. Do you remember? Once during a trial task at the academy, you helped me once, even though you don't remember..."


Wang Shoujie shook his head inwardly. In front of the goddess, he couldn't even stand up straight, how could he straighten his back? With this demeanor, he probably didn't stand a chance. Even Wang Shoujie, with such dignity, didn't find him appealing.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 52: Heavenly Spirit Pill


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