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Wang Lici's expression was so pitiful that it made Wang Shoujie's mouth twitch twice. After taking a few deep breaths, Wang Shoujie finally calmed down and said, "Alright, alright, you haven't done anything wrong. Sit down and let's talk."

Wang Lici immediately found a stool and sat down, her buttocks only lightly touching the seat. She put on a obedient and attentive expression, as if waiting for Fourth Uncle's teachings.

"It's clear that Old Ancestor still likes you very much," Wang Shoujie said. "During our time on the boat, you should accompany Old Ancestor more and make her happy."

So that's what this was about? Not a scolding, but...

Wang Lici relaxed from her tense state and nodded repeatedly. She shifted her buttocks to sit more comfortably, habitually took out a piece of honey candy to calm her nerves, and then ate it with relish.

This carefree and innocent expression made Wang Shoujie's eyelids twitch.

Without changing his expression, Wang Shoujie took out two books from his pocket and handed them to her: "These are 'Selected Poems of Longzuo' and 'Essays of the Recluse of Cuiju Mountain', which Fourth Uncle bought in Donggang earlier. They're said to be rich in literary content."

He paused and then said, "This morning, I heard you recite the famous poem 'Ascending to Heaven's Gate at Night' with such emotion and rhythm. It seems you're quite talented in literature. Why don't you take the fastest time to read these two books thoroughly and then recite them to Old Ancestor? Old Ancestor loves children who are diligent in their studies, and I'm sure she'll be very happy."


Wang Lici's eyes widened, and the honey candy in her mouth stopped moving. Her round, childish face was full of shock and surprise. Fourth Uncle, you... you... are you a devil?

"Yes, your surprised and delighted expression makes Fourth Uncle very happy," Wang Shoujie said with a warm smile. "Do you like it?"

Wang Lici's tears rolled down her cheeks, but she could only force a "delighted" smile and choked out, "Thank you, Fourth Uncle, I love it too much..."

"Ah, Wang Lici, seeing your overjoyed expression, it's clear that Fourth Uncle's good intentions haven't been in vain," Wang Shoujie said, stroking her head apologetically. "It's all Fourth Uncle's fault for being too busy on this trip and only managing to buy two books. When we return to Hundred Island Guard, I'll definitely buy more for you. Who knows, maybe our family will produce a literary genius in the future?"

Wang Lici felt as if the color had drained from her life, and all she saw was a bleak future.

Fortunately, there was still the honey candy.

The sweet taste in her mouth seemed to be the only bright spot in her future gray life, a source of hope.

"By the way," Wang Shoujie said, frowning, "honey candy is okay to eat occasionally, but eating too much can hurt your teeth and make you fat. Look at your round face. Take them out, and Fourth Uncle will keep them for you."


This sentence was like a thunderbolt that struck Wang Lici's head, and her tears burst out uncontrollably. She took out a packet of honey candy, then another, and another, until she had taken out five packets.

"Is that all?"

Then she took out another packet.


And another.

After taking out a total of five packets, Wang Lici held the two books and burst into tears: "There's no more, really no more. Fourth Uncle, it's getting late, I'll go read now..."

Then she ran away quickly, as if escaping from a fiery pit.

After she left, Wang Shoujie couldn't help but laugh, feeling very pleased. This little girl was still beyond his control.

Teaching his niece was just a small interlude.

After resting for a while, Wang Shoujie took out the small booklet given by his future brother-in-law Chen Fang Jie and began to flip through it slowly. Although the Wang Clan had heard of Hundred Island Guard, the information within the clan was limited and outdated.

The Chen Clan of Donggang had more contact with Hundred Island Guard, so their information was more detailed. This booklet recorded some of the powers, families, and situations of Hundred Island Guard, as well as the characteristics of those who should not be provoked.

The more Wang Shoujie read, the more shocked he became. The powers of Hundred Island Guard were indeed more complex and intricate than those of Changning Guard, with dozens of large and small families.

Those aristocratic families, some with relatively weak strength, occupy an island on their own. Others, with formidable power, span across multiple islands, even tens of them.

The main island is called Jinsha Island, which was said to have been rich in Jinsha (golden sand) resources a thousand years ago, triggering a bloody struggle among the Martial Clans. The Daqian Government sent a strong force to suppress the conflict and established the Hundred Island Guard, which eventually stabilized the situation. After several hundred years, Jinsha was depleted, and some remaining Martial Clans divided the hundred islands, gradually giving rise to the current layout.

Due to the complex and remote geographical environment of the Hundred Island Guard, and the depletion of Jinsha, the Daqian Government's control over the area has gradually weakened. As a result, there are often fugitives, exiled sons of aristocratic families, or pirates who want to launder their money, all coming to the Hundred Island Guard to seek refuge.

Fortunately, the Chen Clan of Donggang has been operating on Jinsha Island for many years, with a broad network and a solid foundation. With the Chen Clan's protection, ordinary people dare not provoke them casually.

As long as one does not cause trouble, safety is not a major concern. Otherwise, Chen Fang Jie would not dare to let Wang Shoujie go to the Hundred Island Guard, lest something big happens, and Chen Fang Jie would not be able to handle it.

However, the Hundred Island Guard, despite its chaos, has also given birth to some unique industries that do not exist elsewhere.

For example, the Black Market!

The Jinsha Black Market, with a history of over 200 years, is one of the two heavenly family industries in the Hundred Island Guard. In the Black Market, all identities can be disguised and hidden, as long as you have money, you can buy what you want in the most secret way, or sell your goods secretly, even including some contraband or stolen goods!

The Black Market does not care who you are or where your money and goods come from; they only maintain order and reputation, and take a commission.

Order and reputation are the foundation of the Black Market's survival.

Because those who go to the Black Market are often extremely sensitive to the exposure of their identities, any wind or grass movement would make them hesitant. It can be seen that the Jinsha Black Market has stood for 200 years and has developed in scale, which must be extremely concerned with reputation and order.

As soon as Wang Shoujie saw the news about the Black Market, he had a few guesses in his mind. Ancestor Longyan should be coming for the Black Market, and her purpose, with Wang Shoujie's wisdom, was mostly guessed.

Immediately, his eyebrows furrowed, this was something he did not want to see. After disembarking, he needed to talk to Ancestor Longyan, there were some things that did not need to be done to that extent.

However, she was, after all, an elder, and once she made up her mind to do something, she must have thought it through for a long time, so how could he persuade her?

Wang Shoujie's face became increasingly solemn, his fingers tapping on the table, thinking rapidly.

Time passed, bit by bit.

More than 20 hours flew by, and the huge sea ship docked at the deep-water port of Jinsha Island in the Hundred Island Guard.

Wang Shoujie and his entourage walked out of the [Golden Glory Ship], smelling the strong sea breeze. It was said that this [Golden Glory Ship] was a very stable and safe sea merchant ship, which had arrived at the Hundred Island Guard without any incident.

At this time, Chen Fanghua, a member of the Chen Clan, came to greet them, bowing respectfully: "Young Master Wang, according to the clan leader's instructions before departure, I will arrange your accommodation and guide."

Wang Shoujie was secretly delighted, guessing that his future brother-in-law was afraid he would get into trouble on the island, so he had arranged for a clansman to take care of his accommodation and itinerary.

"Then, I'll have to trouble you, Brother Chen," Wang Shoujie said, unfamiliar with the island, and it was best to have someone arrange for him. Moreover, Chen Fang Jie's consideration was also appreciated.

Chen Fanghua knew that "Young Master Wang" had a female companion, so he specially arranged a horse-drawn carriage for Ancestor Longyan, Fourth Aunt, and the eldest maid. Wang Shoujie and the two family guards, Wang Zhong and Wang Yong, were temporarily assigned three fine horses.

Then, Chen Fanghua led Wang Shoujie's entourage, accompanied by a family guard, towards the inner city of Jinsha Island.

As they walked, Chen Fanghua chatted with Wang Shoujie about the customs and people of Jinsha Island, such as the fact that Jinsha Island, the largest island in the Hundred Island Guard, had very little arable land due to the many rocks and impurities in the soil.

"So, half of our cargo is grain and livestock, as well as some daily necessities. These ordinary goods are still profitable in the Hundred Island Guard." Chen Fanghua did not avoid discussing these well-known commercial secrets, apparently also trying to get closer to Wang Shoujie.

"Isn't it against Daqian Law to hoard grain?" Wang Shoujie asked curiously.

"Young Master Wang, Daqian Law's constraints are not very strong in the Hundred Island Guard," Chen Fanghua said with a smile. "Besides, we're not hoarding grain, but rather bartering. Although the Hundred Island Guard produces little grain, it's rich in seafood and other marine products, which can still make a profit when transported to the mainland."

Wang Shoujie also knew that, in this era, sea transportation was a highly profitable but also highly difficult and risky business. Building a sea merchant ship not only required a huge investment but also deep professional knowledge.

Moreover, training sailors and professional navigators was extremely challenging. Even a slight mistake could result in a sea shipwreck, leading to a devastating loss.

Therefore, it was almost impossible for an ordinary family to enter the sea trade. It was no wonder that the Chen Clan of Donggang had become increasingly powerful in just a short hundred years.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 47 Turning the Tables! Ancestor Longyan


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