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All Novels | Realm of the Night God: Chapter List 


The woman Wang Yiming mentioned, Yang Haoran knew exactly who she was. It couldn't be anyone other than Xu Meijing.

However, Yang Haoran hadn't expected Xu Meijing to expand her business so widely while in Lecheng. She even took over the business from Spirit Police. No wonder she managed to guide such a remarkable number of undead every month. Dealing with hospitals, cemeteries, and Spirit Police was challenging enough; guiding fewer undead would be even more difficult.

To be honest, Xu Meijing had indeed worked hard in this regard. At least that's what Yang Haoran had always believed. Luck played a significant part in Xu Meijing's current strength and achievements, but her own efforts were also indispensable!

"If I don't put in more effort, I'll only fall further behind her. I must catch up to her to pursue what I want."

Yang Haoran's expression remained unchanged, but inwardly, he vowed to quickly improve his strength and keep pace with Xu Meijing!

At this moment, Wang Yiming didn't notice Yang Haoran. He excitedly pulled out his mobile phone, about to call their team leader. However, before he could dial the number, a car approached from a distance.

It was just an ordinary van, not a police car, but Wang Yiming seemed to recognize it, so he reluctantly put away his mobile phone.

"Never mind, I'll call later. Let's deal with things here first."

With that, Wang Yiming led Yang Haoran towards the van.

After a moment, the van departed, taking Du Xiao's body with it.

"Why didn't you leave with them?" Yang Haoran looked puzzled at Wang Yiming beside him. He had thought Wang Yiming would go back with his colleagues in the van to deal with today's events, but that didn't happen.

"We have something important left to do."

Wang Yiming had regained his composure from earlier excitement. His face returned to its usual serious and calm demeanor with the calming of emotions.

Yang Haoran didn't pay much attention to Wang Yiming's expression as long as he wasn't excited. Wang Yiming always seemed like this, and he was used to it.

However, with Du Xiao's body taken away, Yang Haoran couldn't help but wonder what else was left to do.

"What else is there?" Yang Haoran asked.

"You'll see when you follow me." Wang Yiming flashed a faint smile, speaking mysteriously to Yang Haoran.

With curiosity in his mind, Yang Haoran followed Wang Yiming to the cemetery duty room, where another duty officer was present.

"The duty officer has been here all along, and just to be safe, I must erase his memories from this afternoon. After each mission, we erase some memories of ordinary people present to ensure they don't get affected by what they shouldn't see and disrupt their normal lives in the future."

The duty officer looked puzzled; he obviously didn't understand what Wang Yiming was talking about. However, Wang Yiming didn't change his decision because of his reaction. With a point of his finger to the duty officer's forehead, the duty officer froze in place like a machine shutting down.

To ordinary eyes, Wang Yiming's action was as swift as lightning, impossible to evade. But to Yang Haoran, it seemed ordinary.

After a moment, Wang Yiming withdrew his finger, and the duty officer collapsed weakly to the ground. Wang Yiming then helped him onto a chair before turning to Yang Haoran.

"It's done. We can leave now."

Yang Haoran raised an eyebrow, first deep in thought, pondering something. Then he asked Wang Yiming, "Was that sealing memories or erasing them?"

Upon hearing Yang Haoran's question, Wang Yiming realized Yang Haoran was unfamiliar with such techniques.

"Sealing memories isn't very meaningful; encountering a skilled practitioner could undo the seal. What we did was memory erasure. Once erased, memories won't return. The duty officer is just asleep for now; he'll wake up soon. After waking, he'll forget everything that happened this afternoon, including our presence, just like a blackout from drinking."

Wang Yiming looked at Yang Haoran with a puzzled expression. "Brother Yang, you seem completely unfamiliar with these methods."

Yang Haoran didn't feel embarrassed or pretend to understand. Instead, he simply nodded and said, "You're right. I know nothing about it, so I'd like to learn from you."

"No need to ask; since you don't know, I'll teach you. This is a common technique; many people understand it. However, its effectiveness varies. It works well on ordinary people but differently on non-ordinary individuals. If your strength surpasses the target, the chances of success are higher. But if your strength is inferior, not only is success less likely, but there's also a risk of backlash, even harming yourself."

"Because of this, some people see this memory-clearing technique as somewhat redundant. Not only because it's less effective on non-ordinary individuals, but also because it's rarely used. However, Spirit Police use it frequently, mostly on ordinary people. We must all learn this technique."

After listening to Wang Yiming's explanation, Yang Haoran's expression remained largely unchanged. However, a thought emerged in his mind. He smiled and said, "I'm very interested in this technique. If possible, teach me later."

"Why wait until later? Let's celebrate tonight. We can drink and teach at the same time. How about it?" Wang Yiming asked with a smile.

Yang Haoran looked at Wang Yiming strangely and joked, "I thought you didn't like drinking much? Have you changed your mind now?"

"Hehe, after the last time we drank with you and Ma Ling, I found myself somewhat enjoying it. That dizzy feeling was quite comfortable." Wang Yiming chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Alright, since there's nothing urgent tonight, let's have a good time." Yang Haoran agreed readily.

In truth, Yang Haoran wasn't entirely free tonight. He had many things to do to catch up with Xu Meijing. He wished there were more than 24 hours in a day; he wasn't as idle as he appeared to be.

However, he still agreed readily to Wang Yiming's invitation. Learning the memory-clearing technique was just one reason. Another reason was that he genuinely wanted to have a few drinks with Wang Yiming. Wang Yiming had helped him a lot recently, and his care was genuine. Yang Haoran could feel it.

Of course, Yang Haoran wouldn't mention these thoughts. He laughed and continued, "Having dinner tonight, will it make the news again? Will we get invited by the police for tea?"

Seeing Yang Haoran bring up this joke, Wang Yiming's smile became somewhat awkward.

"Don't worry, such incidents won't happen again. Tonight, I'll bring Chen Ying along. I think she has a lot to say to you, haha!"

Upon hearing Wang Yiming's words, Yang Haoran knew Chen Ying had probably mentioned their grievances to Wang Yiming. He just smiled and didn't say anything.

"I really have to thank you this time. If it weren't for you, that skin ghost would have escaped. If he had come back for revenge, I don't know how many people would have died at his hands."

"I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you and Xiao Tong crippling the skin ghost, I wouldn't have been able to capture it in the soul gathering bead. It wouldn't have been possible without a little bloodshed to capture a Half-Step Evil Spirit."

"Brother Yang, you're too modest and humble. When you jumped from the ninth floor today, it was quite high-profile!"

"It couldn't be helped. If there were another way at the time, I wouldn't have been so conspicuous."

"It's okay to be conspicuous. Even if ordinary people saw it, the authorities would come out to debunk it. But on another note, your jumping pose was really cool. That was from the ninth floor; you've got real guts."

Under the setting sun, the two continued their conversation as they walked towards where Yang Haoran's car was parked. Though the sunset elongated their shadows, it also brought them closer together.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 158 Boss Not Feeling Good


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