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All Novels | Realm of the Night God: Chapter List 


Back in the bar, Gao Liang had all his attention on Wang Qing, so at that moment, he didn't feel any danger from Yang Haoran.

It wasn't until Yang Haoran absorbed him into the soul gathering bead that he realized Yang Haoran was a dangerous individual. Not only could he see Gao Liang, but he could also absorb him.

So, when he successfully broke out of the soul gathering bead, his first thought wasn't to seek revenge on Yang Haoran but to escape.

However, a sentence from Yang Haoran left him stunned.

It was evident that Gao Liang had an intense obsession with Wang Qing. Even after death, becoming an undead, he still couldn't forget Wang Qing.

Although he knew Yang Haoran was dangerous, hearing that sentence made him immediately abandon the idea of fleeing. It was clear how deep his obsession with Wang Qing ran in his heart.

Yin Qi condensed in front of Yang Haoran, revealing the form of Gao Liang. However, it wasn't the miserable sight from before but his normal appearance in life.

Yang Haoran didn't see Gao Liang in front of him, but he knew Gao Liang hadn't left because he could sense Gao Liang's strong Yin Qi.

He was satisfied, but he didn't relax his vigilance. Instead, he remained wary. If Gao Liang had any intention of escaping, he would swiftly absorb him back into the soul gathering bead.

"Ghost eye, open!"

With a low command, Yang Haoran activated the ghost eye, and the world before him changed. The soul of Gao Liang came into view.

Seeing Yang Haoran smiling at him, Gao Liang first looked fearfully at the soul gathering bead, then at Yang Haoran's ghost eye, and finally, with an uncertain tone, he weakly asked, "Can you help me?"

Yang Haoran didn't immediately answer Gao Liang's question. Instead, still smiling, he said, "I don't quite like how you look now. I prefer the terrifying appearance you had back in the bar."

Gao Liang was puzzled. He didn't quite understand what Yang Haoran meant by that.

The reason he didn't reveal his miserable form from before was to avoid angering Yang Haoran and being absorbed back into the bead.

But to his surprise, Yang Haoran actually wanted him to revert to his previous terrifying appearance.

Little did he know, Yang Haoran made this request to help him adapt more quickly to his new role as a Night Watch. Only by seeing more terrifying ghosts could he build up his courage and not be as easily scared as before.

Although Gao Liang didn't understand Yang Haoran's intentions, after a moment of hesitation, he followed Yang Haoran's instructions and transformed back into his terrifying form from before death.

Despite mentally preparing himself, seeing Gao Liang's terrifying appearance again made Yang Haoran's mouth twitch involuntarily.

However, compared to when he first saw Gao Liang in the bar, his reaction was much better this time. It was several levels stronger than before he became a Night Watch!

Taking a deep breath, Yang Haoran regained his composure. He was becoming more and more accustomed to his role as a Night Watch.

"Before I answer your question, I can help you. I can reunite you with Wang Qing," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

Gao Liang was overjoyed. Although his rotten face didn't show any expression, his eyes were filled with joy.

"Really?" Gao Liang asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Why would I lie to you? What do I have to gain from deceiving you?" Yang Haoran countered with a smile.

"Right, right, Master is wise. Not only can you see me and hear me talk, you can definitely help me. You won't deceive me because there's nothing for you to gain from deceiving me in my current state!" Gao Liang exclaimed excitedly.

Gao Liang wasn't particularly smart, and coupled with his lack of experience besides leeching off others in his previous life, he had no idea whether Yang Haoran's words were true or false.

Moreover, his obsession with Wang Qing was so deep that all he could think about was being with her. Hearing that Yang Haoran could help him, he was too excited to think rationally; he just wanted to be with Wang Qing as soon as possible.

Yang Haoran smiled mysteriously, using his usual ability to hoodwink people. He then asked Gao Liang, "Do you know what Underworld Envoy is?"

"Yes, yes, I've often heard others talk about it when I was alive, and I've seen it in movies, but I've never seen Underworld Envoy after death, nor has anyone taken me to the underworld for reincarnation," Gao Liang said, suddenly realizing something. He asked, "Could it be... could you be the Underworld Envoy?"

Yang Haoran nodded. "That's right, I am the Underworld Envoy. Not only can I guide you to reincarnation, but I can also fulfill your wishes from your past life. However, the condition is that you must obey me."

While Yang Haoran indeed was the Underworld Envoy, his primary duties were guiding the undead, subduing evil spirits, and fulfilling the wishes of the deceased. The latter was entirely fabricated by him.

But Gao Liang didn't think that much. Upon hearing Yang Haoran's words, he became so excited that even his soul twisted and contorted. His already terrifying appearance became even more horrifying after this contortion!

His parents toiled for him their whole lives, only to be driven to death by him in the end. Yet, he showed no remorse whatsoever. Instead, it was this Wang Qing whom he constantly kept in mind, even after becoming a ghost, he couldn't forget her.

"Master, no, big brother Underworld Envoy, if you truly can help me, you'll be like my parents in the next life. I'll honor you just like I would my parents!" Gao Liang, his emotions stirred, actually made this promise to Yang Haoran.

This nearly made Yang Haoran absorb him into the soul gathering bead again. How he treated his parents was clear to Yang Haoran. Gao Liang's words weren't a promise to him; they were a curse!

However, Yang Haoran didn't dwell on this matter. With a smile on his face, he said to Gao Liang, "I have some questions for you. You must be honest. If you hide anything from me, hehe, I won't threaten you. Just imagine the consequences yourself."

Yang Haoran's smile seemed friendly, but to Gao Liang, it sent shivers down his spine. He felt like his entire soul was freezing under Yang Haoran's smile.

"I won't hide anything from big brother Underworld Envoy. Ask whatever you need, and I'll tell you everything I know!" Gao Liang hurriedly assured.

Yang Haoran inwardly sneered. If it weren't for the fact that the ghost eye could only see the past of the deceased and couldn't see what happened after their death, he wouldn't need to go through all this trouble.

"Was the Yin Qi on Wang Qing and my friend Guanhai acquired from you?" Yang Haoran asked as the first question.

Gao Liang didn't deny it; he simply nodded in admission.

"The first time I saw Wang Qing, her Yin Qi was very strong. Why has it weakened considerably now?" Yang Haoran inquired.

"After I died, I've been following Qingqing. She couldn't see me, no matter how I called out to her. I've been by her side, watching her have meals with different men, watching her bathe with different men, watching her sleep with different men. It's because of this that Yin Qi gradually wrapped around her, becoming denser. I realized this Yin Qi would affect the living, so I tried to keep my distance from her as much as possible, watching her from afar, loving her from afar."

What a touching love story, but to Yang Haoran, it sounded nauseating. However, he didn't show it and continued to listen with a smile, giving Gao Liang the feeling that he had melted into his story.

"I didn't dare to get too close to her, afraid of harming her. Although it was hard on me, it gradually weakened the Yin Qi around her. I felt relieved," Gao Liang said with a smile on his terrifying ghostly face, as if he found happiness in his actions.

"Why is there so much Yin Qi around Guanhai?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

As soon as Guanhai was mentioned, Gao Liang's horrifying smile vanished, replaced by a grimace of anger.

"Guanhai is a scum. I knew just by looking at him that he was playing with Qingqing. He doesn't truly like her. I must protect Qingqing, so I won't let him off!" Gao Liang said angrily.

"How did you do it?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

"I tried to scare him through dreams at first, hoping to scare him to death, but this guy drinks late into the night every night and gets drunk to the point where he doesn't even know who he is. Scaring him in dreams had no effect at all. He wakes up every morning as if nothing happened, seeming to have no memory of me scaring him in his dreams," Gao Liang said angrily.

"So, you thought of surrounding him with Yin Qi, using your own Yin Qi to affect him and make him increasingly ill?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

Gao Liang nodded, hate in his voice. "That's right. Every night, I would wrap my soul around him, maximizing the Yin Qi he absorbed. If it weren't for the powerful sunlight that harms us, I wouldn't dare to come out during the day. I wish I could wrap around him twenty-four hours a day and torment him to death!"

Yang Haoran remained unchanged, continuing to ask, "I'm curious, why do you focus on Guanhai? Apart from Guanhai, isn't there anyone else pursuing Wang Qing?"

"There are many," Gao Liang said helplessly.

"Why don't you deal with them?" Yang Haoran asked, curious. Couldn't ghosts stand seeing handsome men?

"Qingqing is too outstanding, beautiful and kind-hearted. That's why many men pursue her, from teenagers to the elderly, all infatuated with Qingqing. Although I hate these men too, at that time, I had just died and didn't know how to handle such matters. I could only watch them bully Qingqing anxiously. Besides, there were too many of them for me to handle alone. It wasn't until I discovered that I could scare people in dreams and use my Yin Qi to harm them that Guanhai appeared!"

Yang Haoran wanteChapter 54: I'm Really Not a Petty Persond to give Gao Liang a slap. What outstanding beauty? What kind-heartedness? This was merely the perception of a lover; even dog excrement could be seen as cake in the eyes of a lover.

"So, you're planning to deal with Guanhai?" Yang Haoran continued smilingly.

"Yes, every night I witness Guanhai bullying Qingqing, I feel a sharp pain in my heart. So, Guanhai must die first!" Gao Liang said, full of killing intent.

Yang Haoran couldn't help but find it funny. Gao Liang was already dead, reduced to a soul, yet he talked about feeling pain in his heart. He probably didn't think of this when he said it.

Gao Liang's words cleared up Yang Haoran's doubts. Guanhai acquired Yin Qi, and now, Yang Haoran understood the ins and outs of the matter.

In other words, as long as he dealt with Gao Liang, Guanhai would be safe!

However, Yang Haoran didn't plan to take down Gao Liang at this moment because he had something more important for Gao Liang to do.


Next Chapter -> Chapter 54: I'm Really Not a Petty Person


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