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I've been absolutely HOOKED on Hades lately, and I'm in love with the game's art style.

I basically had to try and replicate it. And who better to try it out with than BNG's lust incarnate tittyboy himself, Benji.

I hope you guys like this! It's a bit different than what I normally do but I'm super duper stoked on it <3

BY THE WAY, these make great desktop wallpapers ;)




Oh MY GOD BOO this turned out so amazing!!!!

Klesk Vadrigaar

For him? Hell yes I know how to worship!!


Amazing fanart style for Benji. Would be great with and erect variation, that would be a like the true Cock Olympus.

Lucareon Vee

You made the communication device a giant set of lips?! Ohhhhhhh, you're just teasing me now! &gt;&lt;