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Hey everyone. Sorry for the slow last couple weeks.  At the very beginning of the month someone in my household tested positive for Covid-19. Fortunately my test came up negative. We're unsure how this happened as we've all be super cautious and diligent since the start of the pandemic.

Their quarantine ends tomorrow, and they're doing much better now. However, I've had to spend a lot of time cleaning the house and preparing meals every day. Because I tested negative we had to isolate from each other, and I had to be the house maid of sorts. It took up more time than I would have liked, but you gotta make sure your loved ones are healthy and fed!

Just wanted to give you all a heads up as to why I've been a bit slow this month. Rest assured, now that they're over the hump of quarantine, I can get back to my regular work schedule.

Thanks <3




that sounds super scary, glad you're all okay and that you were able to help out your household. they owe you one!


That's rough! But super super glad to hear y'all are okay and it didn't end up to being too serious!

Klesk Vadrigaar

Damn, well good to hear things are on the mend!


Oh my God. All the best wishes to them! Hopefully no long term effects!


Omg!!! I'm glad to hear everyone's okay. That's super sweet of you, too!


I was wondering what was up, glad to hear everything and everyone is doing alright!


Glad to hear everyone is ok. Life is pretty hectic right now, so worry about taking care of yourself and your loved ones. That's what's important