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Hey all!

I'm sure many of you are wondering what the status of Cam Horse is, and rightfully so!

It's been a while since I've updated the comic, and for that I apologize. But rest assured the comic has not been forgotten or sidelined, just put on a temporary hold. I'd like to briefly explain why.

Firstly, for a couple months, do to unforeseen circumstances, I've been the sole income earner between my partner and I. That's changing now, but it forced me to take on a LOT of commission work. Which takes up a lot of time.

Second, I caught up to all the pages I had thumbed out. So what I've decided to do going forward is rather than thumbing out each page piece meal, I'm going to thumb out a big batch of pages so I have a better understanding of where the comic is going.

Lastly, working on a full colour comic is a LOOOOT more work than I had anticipated. However, I refuse to let the quality of the project dip. As such, I'd rather take my time with it and make it GOOD than rush it out.

Thanks so much for your continued support, patience, and understanding. Being a freelancer is a crazy balancing act of time and energy, so your pledges mean the world to me.



P.S. I still plan on putting up exclusive art and stuff here in the interval!



Thank you for the update, Boo. I'm sorry for what you went through and I'm happy that things are back on its tracks. Take your time, enjoy your work and more importantly, never settle for less than you're able.

Mecha Kaiju X

The comic is great so far! Take as much time as you need Boo ^^


I understand completely you have my unending support!