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Confined: Mystique Challenges Storm's Claustrophobia

In the dense night fog, Mystique weaves her revenge with the sweet taste of fear.
In the twisted plot of her mind, she ensnares the tempestuous Storm in a labyrinth of her own creation.
Fear tightens the heroine's heart as Mystique threads the strands of destiny around her, imprisoning her in a macabre dance between reality and nightmare.
With cruel skill, Mystique confines Storm, enveloping her in shadows and secrets, forcing her to confront her own demons in a desperate battle for freedom.
Trapped between the relentless walls of her fate, Storm faces her greatest challenge: the darkness within herself.
The wall is closing in, and soon Storm will be unable to escape this cruel destiny.
With a leather mask over Storm's head and her mutant abilities neutralized by the collar, she is forced to confront her deepest fears while Mystique revels in her victory.

This week on Patreon, other versions, including the Hardcore Edition, will be released. 😜😜😜




Joe Janus

They do advise you to put a bag over your head when you're having an anxiety attack, right? Or is that breathe into a bag. Oh well, works this way too.