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Hi team, here's the run down for the next three weeks. 

Have pared down my uploads a bit for this month and am taking the final week off (not incl Build Up stream - that will still be happening) because I'm starting a new job!

I mentioned on a stream a while back but I'm slowing beginning the process of making this my full time gig. Two weeks ago I handed in my notice at my full time corporate job and have accepted a new more flexible role in hospitality that I'll start on the 26th. It feels like a big risk but it will free up so much more time and space for me to make the more creative videos I've been wanting to make for a long time.

The goal is to work here in London for the next 6/7 months and then set off to Bangkok where I'll be able to do this FULL TIME AHHHH [klaxon noise][crowd cheering] 

I'm telling you all because you're literally the why and the how of all this. It wouldn't even be a glimmer of a thought in my mind without your support so once again, as ever, thank you so much for being here.

I'm scheming a tiktok talking about everything in more depth but I wanted to make sure you knew first and to give you some context as to why I'll be a little quieter over the next few weeks. I worked in hospitality for 8 years before I moved into marketing 3 years ago so I know what I'm getting myself into, I'm going to be very tired during that first week.

If you have any questions about anything please fire them away, I'll as ever, be very logged on. I'm very logged on in the discord and I check Patreon multiple times a day so I'm always around.


(oh also, Love For Loves sake ep 3&4 this weekend)
