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featuring two very impromptu character analyses of Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang



I love this soundtrack so much😭😭 each song gave a better look into the many complex characters this series has to offer. Thank you for this reaction Freddie❤️


It's such a pleasure to be on this journey with you. I downloaded discord just to be able to read your reactions to each episode, and it was a blast. I was kicking my blanked while listening to your analysis and remembering each moment and how it felt. Also, I have not been normal since I learned about the character songs... Half of them are in my journal now. The lyrics break me. If someone tells me I should be chill about "I once fought with the most beautiful person in Gusu" and "I caressed the cloud pattern with my fingertips" then I will simply tell them to get the fuck out because I will not be normal, ever...


xue yang is such an exceptional parallel to what wei wuxian couldve been 😭 with them both being mistreated and xue yang chose to take it out on everyone as opposed to wei wuxian who chose to take a better path. and the fact that xy ultimately just wanted someone who loved him for him but was unable to obtain it due to his own inability to properly love himself??? sobbing.