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I got angry this week



I’m from the U.S. so I don’t know what the government is like in Thailand for disability. But I am lucky and got approved for disability because of my physical disabilities (I can see and hear). I am married but we live with my mom. It is super difficult to live off of disability with only one other paycheck. So I can see where the mom is coming from in that regards (but I do think Day is more independent than I am). But my husband is my main caretaker. He works from home so he can help me with our dogs, getting dressed, help cook, and do other things around the house if I am napping or having a particular hard day. Although there are some spouses that cannot be a caretaker, or be as understanding has Mhok is, it can work. The people around you will help in anyway if they truly love you. And most importantly not think of you as a burden but as an opportunity to learn to do things differently that you haven’t done before (like painting but by feelings and not color). Also great reaction like always !


I'm not Thai myself but I am from the same region (South East Asia), so I'm a bit familiar on how familial relationships operate. I think how the Mum reacted to the whole thing was kind of expected, as Asian parents are very much involved whatever stage you are in your life. Her reaction can be construed as irrational, but I know it comes from a place of love. I myself don't share the same mindset having been raised by a much more progressive parents, but I'd like to think of my personal family dynamics as an exception rather than the norm. And what a wonderful reaction Freddie! I love how you emphatise with what the characters would feel and try to understand the dynamics of Day's family, even if you don't agree with the mum's actions!


I know a lot of people is hating on mom but I believe I can understand why she would reacted to Mhok and their relationship like this. It's not about his son being gay - she always knew Day liked August and didn't say anything about it. It's not that Mhok mistreated or harmed day - she acknowledged that Mhok is the one bringing him out of the room and taught him how to take care of herself. As mentioned in the last episode, mom took Day and Night to Bangkok being a poor single mom. I think some of her grieve with Day and Mhok running away is that she knew they are going back to Songkhla and very possibly they are going to meet with dad. With how dad treated the rest of the family of course she would be nervous and upset about Day meeting his dad. Another thing that I think why mom would object Day and Mhok's relationship is that she knew how it felt to be poor and she believes that if Mhok doesn't have a job it's impossible for him to take care of Day being jobless. And we all knew it's not feasible for mom to keep hiring a "boyfriend" - it is not a healthy relationship. Taking care of someone being a caretaker and a boyfriend is totally different - that's kinda how it meant. I was with you on Night's scenes - as an elder brother myself I totally get how it felt. Thank for the great reaction! =D