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In lieu of a Monday stream as I wasn't feeling well, I hope you enjoy this vlog from Wednesday last week.

It was fun to make! I already know how I would do things differently next time, which is why practice is so important I guess. 

Stream will return on weds! Then next week - a heads up that I'm on holiday for the week. I'm going to Barcelona with my bestie. If I have time I might shoot some stuff whilst I'm there!



hi freddie, newly signed flatmate/housemate here 🫡 even in different time zones I always seem to be at the scene of the crime right when you post hahaha great vlog… freddie + vlog = frog? just a thought 🐸 I feel your pain so much with the adhd meds & eating habits, I accidentally lost 20 pounds when I was first starting my meds! I really enjoyed everything you spoke about in the video, especially about the pressures we place on ourselves to be our optimal selves all the time when that’s just not realistic. I’m excited for all the contents to come :)


Hi Kellie!!! Welcome!! Where are you in the world? I actually thought about Frog too! I'm so glad you enjoyed the vid, more soon hopefully :^)