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i cannot explain to you the ways in which this ruined my week



freddie!!! be prepared ,, you're really not ready for the next few episodes i'll be honest.. without any spoilers it is very emotionally exhausting. At least for me, it was very hard to rewatch these last few episodes from 32 to the end. I don't wanna say it gets worse but uhhh it does indeed get worse. Also, yeah it does get very confusing with the pacing since they fit so much dialogue to basically fill you in with what's happening. i watched it when it was airing live and had to look up some things from these last couple episodes. I will say though you have to watch the last eps from either viki (translation wise) or youtube (ep.36-37) since there are some things that weren't aired in the "broadcasted" version. There is some dialogue that isn't translated or even dubbed towards ep 35-37 ?¿? correctly. But, yeah a warning to pls have tissues and if it gets too much it's okay to take a break !!


Hello again! This is probably the most confusing episode of this show xD When i first watched this episode i was crying and asking the screen on repeat if this was still Wen Kexing's plan and almost screaming, that if it is he is goddamn stupid :'D - i'm glad i have now watched this series so often that i am immune to the sadness! The only thing i can explain without a real spoiler is Ye Baiyi's talk with the sword: Ye Baiyi's best friend is name Rong Changqing - a famous swordsmith - he is the one who made A Xu's Baiyi-Sword (probably named after Ye Baiyi), but also Ye Baiyi's Dragonback-sword and a third sword that does not appear in the show (but in the book). This is why Ye Baiyi was talking to his sword xD Ya Baiyi, Rong Changqing, Rong Changqing's wife, and later their son Rong Xuan all lifed together, trained together etc. - until Rong Xuan ran away. I am not sure at what point, but Ron Changqing was the one who founded the Ghost Valley - it was meant to redeem criminals. So Ye Baiyi was talking about Changqing founding the Ghost Valley, and then how Rong Xuan died in front of it, as well as another man, Zhen Ruyu, dying for Rong Xuan and now Zhen Yan / Wen Kexing being the Ghos Valley Chief! Now to lighten your mood somewhat: Fun Fact, the actor who played Han Ying was in the Untamed, he played Wen Xu for that one scene he appeared in :'D Another, not so Fun, Fact: The song that is played during the flashback is sung by both Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jung, our lead actors!


I've really spread out my recording for the last few eps THANK GOD. Not gonna be bulk watching for the last few otherwise I think I might have lost it a bit hahah but thank you for looking out for meeeee