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Episode 30..... kinda wild. Now, without any spoilers - Scorpion King takes pleasure in killing: discuss



(38) God I hate Zhao '南蛮' which he calls Xie'r is super derogatory and racist, it's a slur for people who are part of the southern non-Han Chinese ethnic group. Da Wu is also from this group, you can see that he and Xie'r wear similar hair styles and ornaments


First of all we love some more WKX backstory and once again my beloved hetero couple made me tear up❤️ Now Scorpian King I think enjoys the power he wields, maybe not the killing necessarily but the control he feels following through with schemes. He’s obviously had a very messed up traumatic life which explains his behavior but watching the show while I understood him there were always things he did that detoured me from fully “liking” him but I will say he’s an amazing complex character that I feel for and enjoy analyzing. Thanks again and WE ARE SO CLOSE but there’s still soooooo much left to happen I’m so excited🥰


Hello again xD Do you remember how last episode Xie Wang asked Zhao Jing what would happen if he made a big mistake? This was him testing it and finding out once again Zhao Jing is just full of bs. The thing about it not being about the armory / glazed armor anymore: You are quite right about this, it's all about politics and power -> the armory with it's abundant knowlege about different martial arts techniques, including Ye Bai Yi's technique to immortality and the Healer Valleys forbidden techniques, could just really change the power vacuum, depending on who get's it! Fun Question: Where do you think the key to the armory is? Because that's something that i always had in my mind when i watched this show the first time and other reactors kind of always forget about the key :'D Fun Fact: Prince Jin's name is Helian Yi Another fun fact: Book canon, from what we know of both Lord Seventh and Faraway Wanderers Soulmates are in fact a thing in this world. And one more fun fact: Zhou Zishu was not able to taste the wine, and the writers forgot that smells don't work like that xD Things to keep in mind for the next episodes: Wen Kexing has a plan, what that plan is? Who knows :D