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Here's the run down for the rest of June. We'll do BOYNEXTDOOR deep dive stream next week, then the week after we'll start His Man 3. Depending on how long the episodes are we'll still do K-Pop warm up for the first hour in all the series watching streams like we did with Build Up.

Reminder that streams start at 18:30 BST on Wednesdays if you want to join us live!

I'll make a thread in the stream chat for the BND stream so you guys can rec content for us to watch - I can't wait!

29th and 30th have question marks as I haven't got my rota for that week yet but I'm assuming it'll be similar to this and next week so fingers crossed!





If you get time, I’d love for you to (even on stream) talk about shows you’ve watched after The Last Twilight (as that was the last one from your youtube series) and like give your thoughts/reviews. This is me being greedy bc I’m dying to hear your thoughts on Wandee Goodday as it’s consuming my every thought. Do you think that would be something you’d have time for? <3


I’d also love to hear Freddie’s thoughts on different shows, that’s really what got me into their TikTok 🥰