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and what we're not gonna do is make any assumptions of me based off of my reaction to the scorpion king



Fun facts about Scorpion King: (None of this is spoiler, it's never explained / mentioned in the show) Edit: (Forgot to add: None of this is spoiler for the book either (Faraway Wanderers) but that i can not explain or its actually a spoiler ^-^) His full name is Xie Jie Liu bo (source is the artbook)! Beause of his origins (you will find that out later - i will point it out in that episode :D ) it is not quite known if any of these characters might be a surname, because they are supposed to just to convey sounds! Zhao Jing (Yifu) calls him Xie'er with the " 'er" being a suffix often used as an endearment for a child or someone younger than you! Xie in this case (because of the character used) means Scorpion, which may or may not have been the only sound that Zhao Jing could assign a meaning to, which is why he is also the Scorpion King (= Xie Wang) and always called "Xie" or "Xie'er" Another fun fact: Zhao Jing's Yifu that Xie Wang uses is not really a sort of uncle, like others might have suggested before, it's actually something that doesn't have a good translation - the closest would be a "chosen father" or "sworn father" - a man becomes a yifu of someone through a sort of "ritual" to form a family-like relationship of their own chosing with the intetion of a life-long bond (think like sworn blood brothers) - it is a better term than "just" uncle and it's not quite an adopitve father either, and there are actually different character that fit foster / adoptive father better But the basis is somewhat the same - Zhao Jing has a kind of guardian role for Xie Wang Now these "fun" facts for you might or might not have made their relationship to each other as ... questionable as it is to me :'D


oo im excited for you to get into the later half of the story,, without giving anything away i will say prepare tissues and snacks loll but yes!! from what i remember when i first watched, i really liked scorpion king's character !! also wen ke xing always has a plan for things, if you think he's doing something for a certain reason it ends up being something entirely different and he's always quite a few steps ahead but i love hearing your predictions about what might happen! I can't wait to hear how your opinions might change on some characters once you experience the full story!