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if they don't get it together soon I'm gonna climb in there myself and give them a piece of my mind



i was waiting in anticipation for this episode to see your glee at the training montage lolllll


Unwritten, such a classic! Coincidentally one of the songs we’ve done in our choir


wkx in that moment of like vulnerability with zx.... i cant go on like the way he looks at him and asks him not dieeee


If I remember correctly, the actor who plays Scorpion king was originally cast as Wen Kexing, but he gave it up to play Scorpion. I think he's the only one who has his actual voice being heard because he's normally a voice actor, so he dubbed himself while everyone else is dubbed by other actors


gong jun has mastered the art of a longing gaze i love that man


this ep was insane, that scene of wkx longingly looks at ah xu and asking him not to d*e.... god i'm so normal about them


Finally our little Chengling is training with his shifu😁they’re found family is one of the silliest but also beautiful things. I love them all so much. The unfiltered banter always brings me joy. I didn’t realize that the drunk WKX scene was in the episode until I saw the thumbnail. I love that scene so much. It finally explores how each of them is feeling in a more direct way. I really think both of them just don’t feel they deserve to be loved and are eliminating that love is what the other could be feeling. It’s so frustrating to watch but in the most relatable way. Anyways it’s been a really rough few days and this was such a joyous distraction from all the crazy🥰


No exactly it’s so frustrating because it’s so REALLLLLLL like it’s so relatable but I just wanna 👊🏻 them. Glad you had fun watching!!