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Excerpt from the Report of Agent ██, Member of the "Organization" Iintelligence Team

Target: █████ (American Football Team)

Mission Overview

Conduct field testing of the newly developed device, ██████, on a group of healthy adult males. While the device's effects are milder compared to conventional methods, it is expected to achieve profound control over the subjects' psyche. Agent ██ is tasked with infiltration to monitor the mission's progress and device control.

Day 1

Infiltration commenced under the guise of a sports doctor. The new device, ██████, was installed in the locker room, training facility, and field. Through this device, players inhale airborne androsteroene, triggering the release of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, inducing feelings of euphoria and grooming desire. Additionally, the device affects testosterone and adrenaline... [omitted]... In simple terms, spending time with these masculine guys with this device evokes a sense of happiness and gradually become horny.

Day 3

Notable increase in physical contact and hugging among the players. Hidden cameras in the locker room captured intimate moments during their changing sessions.

Day 5

An increase in players experiencing erections during practice. This can be attributed to the frequent close proximity. However, their ability to concentrate on training remains unaffected, and they were actively engaged in their practice. This is because grooming desire are achieved through the legitimate means of practice, which provides euphoria and the reward system... [omitted]... Post-training, there have been instances of players comparing and laughing at each other's genitals.

Day 7

The influence of the device has also affected the coach. Despite limited physical contact with other males, his naturally high testosterone levels are believed to play a role. It is speculated that the device has a greater impact on individuals with greater muscle mass and larger penises.

Day 10

Their sexual desires began to be noticeable in their behavior, as some players began to masturbate after practice.

Day 15

Coach inserted his penis into several players in the locker room. The players appear to have undergone intense "special training" from the coach to the point that their anuses became flaccid, yet there are hardly any noticeable physical injuries. Their mental state shows no signs of agitation or aversion; instead, they express gratitude and affection towards the coach. They are no longer rejecting male-to-male sexual activity and are responding positively both physically and mentally.

Day 20

The players are actively engaging in sexual activity before and after practice. The degree of interaction varies from light hand-job to oral sex to group orgies, but is generally favorable. For players with weaker susceptibility to the device, other teammates voluntarily support them by engaging in the "special training." Surprisingly, they are really serious about football practice itself, resulting in improved performance. This is likely due to the association of the football play with the reward system, seeking greater pleasure... [omitted]

Day 30

A new face joins the team's practice for the first time. Initially bewildered due to the lack of influence from the device, he quickly becomes an intimate member of the team after intense "special training" from other players. This observation confirms that when a new individual joins a group already fully affected by the device, they rapidly "assimilate" compared to regular circumstances. Tonight, a welcome party for the new recruit will be held. I will be attending, strictly for observation purposes, to assess the impact on the players and its practical implications... [omitted]


The field testing of the new device, ██████, has unequivocally demonstrated its practicality. It yields notable effects, particularly among athletes in team sports. Additionally, the following scenarios are anticipated to benefit from its usage:

  • Contact sports such as judo, wrestling, with frequent physical contact among athletes
  • Workplaces with a high percentage of male workers, such as police departments, fire departments, and the military establishments
  • Spaces where only males spend an extended period, such as boys schools, male dormitories, and correctional facilities







スポーツドクターに偽装して潜入開始。 新装置██████をロッカールーム、トレーニングルーム、グラウンドに設置。 この装置により、選手たちは空気中に遊離したアンドロステロンを嗅ぐことでドーパミン、セロトニン、オキシトシンの分泌が促され、多幸感とグルーミング欲求をもたらす。さらにテストステロンとアドレナリンの……〈中略〉……端的に表現すれば、この装置によって男臭い連中と過ごすことで幸せな気分になり、次第にムラムラしてくるようになる。


選手達のボディタッチやハグなどのスキンシップの頻度が著しく増加。 ロッカールームの隠しカメラでは、選手達が着替えの途中で親密に触れ合う様子が確認できた。


練習中に勃起している選手が増え始めた。 近距離で密着する機会が多いためと推察される。 彼らが練習に集中できていないかと言えばそうでもなく、むしろ積極的に練習に励む様子が確認できた。 これはグルーミング欲求が練習という正当な手段で達成されることにより多幸感が得られ報酬系が……〈中略〉……練習後にはペニスを見せ合い笑い合うといった行動が確認できた。


コーチにも装置の影響が現れた。 選手達のように男性同士で密着する機会は少ないはずだが、彼が元々テストステロン値が高い体質であることが関係していると推察される。 筋肉量が多くペニスが大きな人物であるほど装置が効きやすいと考えられる。




ロッカールームにてコーチが複数の選手にペニスを挿入した。 犯された選手らは肛門が弛緩しきるほどの激しい『特訓』をコーチから受けたようだが、肉体的な損傷はほぼ見当たらなかった。 精神面でも動揺や嫌悪感などはなく、むしろコーチに感謝や親愛を述べる言動が確認された。 男性同士での性行為に拒否反応がなくなり、心身ともに好意的な反応を見せている。


選手達が練習の前後に積極的に性行為を行うようになった。 軽いしごき合いやオーラルセックス、グループでの乱交など程度は様々であるが、概ね好意的に交流している。 装置の影響が弱い選手には、他の選手らが自発的に『特訓』に付き合うことでしっかりとサポートしてる。 また予想外であったが、彼らはアメフトの練習自体は実に真摯に取り組んでおり、パフォーマンスが向上している。 これは恐らく報酬系がアメフトのプレイと結びついたため、より強い快感を求め……〈後略〉


新入りの選手がチームの練習に初参加。 彼は装置の影響がまだなかったために最初は戸惑っていたようだが、他の選手らの熱烈な『特訓』により数時間後にはすっかり親密なチームの一員になれたようである。 このことにより、装置の影響が十分に浸透したグループに新たな個体が加わった場合、通常時に比べ非常に速やかに『染まる』ことが確認された。 本日は新入りの歓迎会の続きが催される。 私も歓迎会に参加するが、これはあくまで経過観察として選手達の影響と実地における……〈後略〉



  • 柔道、レスリングなど、選手間の接触の多いコンタクトスポーツ
  • 警察署、消防署、軍隊など、男性労働者の比率が高い職場
  • 男子校、男子寮、刑務所など、男性のみが長時間を過ごす空間




This was a really good set! The cover picture is Classic!


I love the black man with super huge cock! So fvckin hot


You've got black guys topping in a couple series. It's be great to see mixed races on the receiving end too :P