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Hello, everyone. 

First of all, my biggest apology for the radio silent for the past couple weeks. 

I've been recently dealing with my deteriorating mental health and working with professional help about it. However, my father has recently had a stroke. While his condition is not critical (at least for the time being), I had to focus my attention to care for him and additionally trying to keep the family business from crumbling down with his absence. 

Therefore, I can't promise to deliver any new content for some foreseeable future. If you'd like to unsubscribe from my Patreon, feel free to. Otherwise, your donation will be used to help me pay for my father's medical bills; which I wholeheartedly be grateful to each one of you, guys.

I'm hoping I can get through this as fast as possible so I can resume delivering you more content from me. 

Thank you all!



Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! Take as much time as you need, you won't lose a Patron from me at least <3