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So I decided I wanted to expand on making some nice bios for characters I've drawn on here for a long time now! I picked Mars since I do have a comic idea I'm working towards for her and already had some art prepped! 

So I made a new version of Mars in a bikini, which she's actually not keen on. Mars no likey clothes. haha I shared this on my social media but am including it here at a slightly higher res.

I also decided hey, lets expand on the nude art of her and ya know, show off maybe a thing or two she can do!

Soooo.... exploring what she's like a bit more when she decides to turn some of those demon powers on! I've mostly drawn her nude, so it felt kinda weird making outfits for her. < X D

And more, ya know, stuff she can do! Or maybe things alluded to that she can do! I don't know! < X D I'm quite tired.

Anywho, I just thought this would be a fun way to do these posts and a good resource for characters while I get comics for them ready!



👀🐲 PRETTY RAD can’t wait to see the whole crew

Stush Cinta

This is wonderful <3