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So while I was looking for something in my art files tonight I realized I had two nearly finished entries from the Love Lions character posts and decided to finish em up real fast.

Aubrey who is a tall trans tiger lady (there's an Aubrey in the first batch of characters, but this Aubrey actually existed before them! So I think the one from the first batch is gonna get a name change just so its not confusing.) and Cassidy, who is a trans calico cat lady.

Both of these lovely trans ladies have been featured on here before and I felt they were a great fit for the universe. 

Love Lions characters don't have to be lions, it just kind of started with the lion characters and stories from that world more than likely have a lion in them.

Now back to comic page work for me. Ran into some problems with my Sleepy Town Jam page and it's taking longer than I had hoped. I'm sure all the art people out there will understand some nights art just fights you the whole way.... weeee~

Anywho, off I go, hope you're all well and enjoy!




Super pretty cat ladies! Love em!


Freakin love them


The short ones always do it for me heh