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Decided to do some extra drawings and show how Mars other forms might appear. Like I mentioned in the previous posts, Mars was broken into pieces to try and lock away her powers and this ended up manifesting different versions of her. Some are very similar to her, but others are very different, both in personality and physical build.

So that's what we've got here, Mars (original flavor), Mars(maybe a more goblin/orc type feel? Little beefier as far as stature, and finally a very tall curvy nurturing Mars that's all about being soft and lovey. 

What happens when they come together? Can she actually recombine or are the different parts their own beings now? Hmm~ 



Jade B

OMG the one on the right!!!


Alternate forms of one character each with their own personality is so cool. Also love big, tall, and fluffy.


Maybe they’re like voltron XD The second one’s attitude is great and soft Mars is very cute.