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Hey all, so I asked this on twitter and thought it'd be good to ask here as well...

What kinds of animals/species or fantasy critters (monsters, elves, etc) would you like to see me draw? Any I already draw? Any you haven't seen me draw?

All suggestions are good, so lay it on! Let me know what you'd like to see


Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I'll see if I can work some of these into my sketch schedule before the end of the month! If you have any more, feel free to keep on sharing on this post!

Okay, back to artin!



Maybe we could see some more Unicorns? And some merfolk too :D


I will be most likely wrong and im sure you must have addresed this before… but I think canines would look rad in your art style :)

Ramzyuu Caelyn

I'd love to see more of 6-armed WaterBear <3


Raccoons or ferrets would be interesting to see from you


Dog girls!


I think it's been a truly long time since I've seen you draw a simple cat or dog?


I'm a simple person. I see a bear, I smile.

Wolf Andre

Yes canines, felines, foxes, and dragons, plus panda, its a star vil update if I find more🦊🦦


All your characters are great but if there's one thing I don't see much of in furry circles, it's otters and minks. The old movie 'The Animalympics' comes to mind.


Oh boy 👀 + Okay, demon girls are a good one (horns, dragon/hoof feet, scales, etc). + I absolutely ***LOVE*** your equines (one of my top 3 artists when it comes to equines!), so any content with them is always a plus haha. + I would love to see your take on a pangolin girl! + Monster Hunter monsters as ladies/dudes is always a very enjoyable concept! + Werewolf ladies and dudes <3 + It is *criminal* that I only discovered these races of creatures when I got to them in-game three weeks ago, despite the fact the expansion came out in November, so I would *love* to see your take on any of them! Respectively named Faeries, Sylvar, and Vorkai: https://twitter.com/BeardyThings/status/1401448938113159176


I loved the deer you drew for the deerly beloved art pack, so I'd love to see more of that! I love to see some dogs and foxes as well.


Dragon, cat or snake. That said, your horses and unicorns are fantastic.

Dale Thomas

Squirrels and Chipmunks would be cute as hell.


Animals : Possums. As for other stuff.. more sexy monsters. Gorgons, ghosts, werewolves, vampires etc. <3


Raccoon... Or a red panda would be cute


Cute wendigo would be adorable


Cats! (Domesticated, Lion, Tiger, etc)



butt sects

sexy female orcs. You dont see that too often


I’d love to see your take on a shark or a hellhound, bet you could pull off a cute goblin too. An angel counterpart to some of your demons. And I gotta say it, hyenas =D


Bats!! Deer also good


You are already my favorite but I would love it if you would draw a cute male sloth I would cry 😁


Serval, Bobcat, Jackal or Caracal


Raccoons, everything raccoons.

Jade B



Cyptids! like Chupacabra, Jackalopes, etc.


I still *fiend* for more of the gorgon girl you drew for the Monsternomicon cover. I'm real curious to see how you'd handle other mythical beasties/beauties (dark elves, satyrs, merfolk, etc.)


Porcupines! Lots of porcupines!


Red Pandas? They're adorable.


Might be over done, but you can't beat the classic Catgirls.


I completely forgot to mention, nightmares may be up your alley (the horse/pony kind). There’s the fiery sort but also the more shadowy type like in magic the gathering 🤔