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So this cutie is a deer named Blush and I created her when I was invited to be a part of the NSFW Deerly Beloved digital art pack run by the lovely Hotglewd!

I really didn't have any deer character to speak of for the most part and I decided to roll with the whole princess/royalty/fantasy kick I've been on recently.

If you haven't checked out the pack, please do at the link below! A lot of really talented folks contributed art to the pack and I was very happy to be included among them!





; u ; it was an honor and a privilege to have you!


aw! Well thanks again for inviting me! Who knows, maybe more projects in the future?

Megan Lane MacDonald

I love the softness of both the pink and the boobs


The lace work on the stockings is sweet and I love her heart freckles :)