Pausing charge for August, but art is on the way! (Patreon)
Hey all, in the last month I've been dealing with some health issues that had made it very hard to work. Spent a lot of time in pain or in bed resting from pain.
After a lot of doctor's visits I was diagnosed with prostate polyps and later a hernia was discover. (though it probably came about later in time due to problems I was having from the polyps. FUN.) I'm going to have to have surgery for both of these problems near the end of August.
So since I haven't been able to do the art I wanted to for this month I paused the Patreon so no one will be charged coming up on August 1st.
I'll still be uploading art, probably some before the month rolls over, but again no one should be getting charged on August 1st.
Things are still moving forward, still going to produce art for August and hope to have things back up to speed when I can! Just wanted to give a heads up so everyone knows this is only a temporary pause, that's all. Got lots of fun arts heading your way as soon as I can!
Hope you're all safe and well and will see you all again as soon as there's some brand new arts! Thanks for hanging in there with me.