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Hi everyone, just a quick post to let peeps know I've changed this up on here a little bit! Been wanting to rework things a bit and have finally had the time to do it. It's not much and most of you know most of this already from having been on here, but I figure its good to let everyone know. Sooo... official new things: 1. Ask Jam Mini Ask’s for the top tier 2. Wallpapers + wallpapers made from any color art I’ve made that month on top tier. 3. Top tier has been moved from $10 to $7.50 per update! I’ve removed streams from the rewards due to scheduling problems. Sorry folks! I think for streams I’ll probably go back to focusing on doing the occasional public stream. Hoping I can do one soonish! That aside, will be finishing up the next reward pack & Ask Jam comic here in a day or two and things will be back on track! Oh, I also made some cute new graphics for the frontpage if any of you want to check those out! Hope you're all doing well and as always, thanks so much for your support!!! Mike/Miu



I'll have to check out said cute graphics! Question though, would it be possible to offer video of the occasional public stream as a reward for the top tier? No worries if that's not possible, just thought that while you're working on it might be a good chance to ask.


Yeah, whenever I do a public stream, as long as the video captures correctly, I can put them on here as a reward. It'll probably be treated as a when it happens kind of special reward though since they're not very regular. Hopefully at some point I can make them more of a regular affair!