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Hi, peeps! I'm home and finishing up rewards! Thought I'd run two new content ideas by everyone today. First up, I do a lot of art that's not Ask Jam. Human stuff, monsters & other furry art. I'd love to start including this content here on Ask Jam rather than start another Patreon. Second, new Mini Asks. These are Ask's that can be answered with a single panel on the 10$ tier. I'm going to go ahead and give these a shot and see how they work alongside the normal Asks. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I always love to hear from everyone!


Savage Shark

I think both ideas are great. I'd like to see what else you can do, like your monsters for example. I remember when you did other assortment of furries and humans so it'd be great to see those as well. The little mini asks sound cool.


Mini Asks and more furry art sound good to me!

Jake Monroe

Both sound like good ideas.


Mini-asks would be neat. It feels like Ask Jam has turned into a self-contained comic within a vague framework of an ask blog, which isn't terrible at all but is probably a bit limiting as far as actually answering questions. More art is always nice. I'd like to think that most people follow you for the whole package, and not just one project.


Mini asks sound like a great idea! And more artwork sounds too perfect for words. <3

Sir FancySwank

More content and more responses, that sounds positively fantastic


Posting other kinds of art seems a good idea.


I know I'm a little late, but, oh-well. As long as you don't bite off more than you can chew .The mini-ask seems fine. Keep up the good work