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Hey all, so before I get to the fun art stuff, wanted to let everyone know what's going on with me.

So at the beginning of April I was contacted by my mom who let me know my dad had an allergic reaction to a shot treatment for his knees (he worked in a lot of jobs that have heavy labor, so his knees are pretty rough at this point) and that he was no longer able to walk and now its looking like there's the possibility he may have to go in for surgery.

I live in Indiana and my fam is down in Tennessee and I might need to go down to help them out while he recovers if surgery does turn out to be the course of action.

This has made for a difficult month since the reactions also included him getting very sick and just having all kinds of terrible things happen. So day to day its been pretty hard since there's only so much I can do from a distance right now. Thankfully my mom got super lucky and happened upon a crazy cheap but super nice wheelchair at a second hand store so they've been able to get him around the house and to appointments with a lot less stress.

So I've been working hard to build up a bunch of content to post here while I might need to be away. I'm like anyone else with a job, I can't really afford to just drop everything and not make a living, but obviously I need to be able to go be with fam.

So yeah, I've got a bunch of stuff planned and previews I'm going to be posting which I'll probably set schedules via Patreon to release on here.

Been a tough time keeping my mind on work right now, but I've done my best. I do hope this will all work out and tomorrow I'll hear back from them about his current condition and what the docs plan to do. So I might have another update on this after that. Crossing my fingers that there will turn out to be simple solutions that can bring his pain levels back down and maybe restore his mobility.

Anywho, I'm gonna get to posting art stuff, I just figured I'd share and I've said it plenty, but I really appreciate everyone here supporting me. It means a ton, especially right now with the fam stuff going on and you all are the reason I get to keep making art. Thanks so much for sticking with me.



I'm sorry for this hardship I hope your dad and family make it through.


thanks so much! I'm hoping the doc appointment he has today will go okay and they'll have some solutions for us


I'm sooo sorry to hear about your dad. I hope they can stabilize him, with or without surgery. Whichever they case, I wish him a strong recovery. Don't stress yourself out. Take care of your dad and yourself. Thank you for all your hard work and beautiful art. We'll be here. 💕