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[UPDATE] so the internet access is sparse and low bandwidth so I'm not able to remote into my PC at home and throw together some sets. But I'll be back in a couple days and back at it 🙂 

Hi friends! I'm going to be away with family for the next week, so the content posts may be a bit spread out. However, I plan on still making some content during the downtime, and with the new editors on the team things should still be moving along. 

Also, I plan on maintaining my standard of 5000 monthly images regardless, so for any decrease in content over the week, there will be some catch up made over the remainder of March. Thanks for sticking with us, your support has provided opportunity and happiness for my family and gives me motivation to continue creating art and developing new and improved methods moving forward 🙂 Thanks everyone!


Brick da Goof

Hey boss, I’m cool with it! Enjoy your vacation. Art needs inspiration, go get it!

Doug Jenkins

Enjoy your vacation!