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Hello friends! It's been a great year, and I am very appreciative of the ongoing support and growth of this community. Your loyalty has changed my life in some ways, an example being that I was able to pay for my mother's dental surgery and dentures which doesn't sound like much but when you all of a sudden lose all of your teeth it can really affect your diet and health in significant ways. My son also had an extra amped Christmas this year :) Having a second income based entirely on the appreciation of others is a pretty fortunate situation to be in, so I thank you all for each individually providing these opportunities. 

Things were a bit slow during the holiday season, partly because of visits with family but also because I have developed another improvement to the image workflow, so you may notice the quality of images to be improved even further moving forward. It's a subtle but important thing, I'm utilizing a new background processing technique called Self-Attention Guidance, which is almost like rendering twice, where it will take a look at the developing diffusion (image) and use AI and the input prompts to reinforce the 'direction' that the image is developed. This significantly enhances background details making them seem less blurry/smeary/nonsensical, and also had an unexpected improvement to the rendering of hands and feet. This latter improvement actually has reduced the ratio of deleted images in a batch output, which ultimately means more efficient set generations. 

Thanks for sticking around during the slow week, the next set is generated and just needs to be audited and edited. Cheers!


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