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Hello gamers, I have made this to announce the changes to my patreon as well as to tell you my general situation and get your opinion on certain things. I will section it below so you may read whatever is relevant to you but I would like if you could read it all.


This is probably the section most relevant to all members so I have placed it here so you are all aware of what has changed. You may have noticed that I have recently picked up Star Rail modding again! As my output for SR is likely to be lower than for Genshin and less complex, I have split it into a cheaper tier for those only here for Star Rail content.  Here are the main changes summarized in points for easy reading

1. Two new tiers have been added, an exclusive HSR tier along with a combo tier for both Genshin and HSR.

2.  The HSR only tier (Railing Tier) is cheaper as there will be slower/less frequent, and simpler mods made for Star Rail. 

3. The main (base) tier has been renamed to the Impact tier tee hee as it will contain early access for all Genshin related content


Alongside the update in tiers I also have included a survey to help me better focus on what the supporters want and generally what you all would like to see. 

Please answer the form down below if you have time!



I put this last because I assume this is the least relevant to all patrons but I kind of need to level with everyone. Not like anything serious just a bit of a predicament that I've put myself in. 

To be honest, the time I spend on mods and modelling is probably more than I should. I am still a full-time university student and its been somewhat difficult on both my physical and mental health because I have trouble regulating how much time I spend on mods. 

Don't get me wrong, I am eternally grateful for all of you and I know I'm incredibly lucky to even have any compensation for this, but I also have become aware that although I do make a pretty good amount, it's not exactly enough to justify the time I currently put into it since it's not a full time job and the constant pushing I've done has made it difficult to maintain high levels of output without weeks where I have to recover after pushing myself too far. 

I am unsure if you all are aware of the time it takes creating mods and such, but this can be 15+ hours per project not including the variants and work/indirect work outside of blender like design work, color adjusments, image editing etc. I admittedly spend a lot more time on detail work and refinement than is probably optimal, but I just can't bring myself to stop halfway when doing things, as modelling isn't just a job for me but something I am passionate about as a form of art.

All of this to say, keeping up with constant content is quite draining, especially since I am only one person and the work beyond direct modelling/texturing tends to add up in a way I just don't know what to do about. I don't mention all of this to stir up sympathy but rather to be direct in that I am currently trying to decide where to spend my time between direct mod work, indirect things like gamebanana uploads/mod showcases, and irl responsibilities and I guess if you've read this far the best way to help me with this is by filling out the form mentioned above hehe.

Anyway I think its a bit overdramatic but yeah this is my current thoughts and situation. Thanks for reading all of that if you've made it this far and don't worry about me too much, overall I'm still in a very good position and I will continue to make stuff for all of you as it's something I enjoy immensely.

TL;DR: Mod work is a lot! So if you can fill out the form so I can better do stuff for all of you :3

As always love you guys and see you soon! <3




Ann your stuff is amazing, I don’t think anyone would mind if you posted less frequently to focus on your health/school! We can wait! ^.^

Kelryth Ka'venusho

RL and mental health come first. You can't make good mods if your sick so if you need to put more focus on something other then modding, thats ok.