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Hello gamers! so sorry for the slower output, i wish i could've finished this before valentines day but I've been sick and fallen behind on school so I had to take some time to not fail tee hee but c'est la vie. I like this design but I feel like something's missing so I made it a WIP for now to see if I have any updates on it for the future (other than NSFW versions) I will try to post another mod update tmr so that i can make up for the slower content last week but yes. 

THANK YOU AS ALWAYS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. I could not do it without you guys >_< I wish i could do more but since I'm only one guy I just can't funnel more time than I already do without dropping out xD Love you and see you all soon




I love it Ann! Though if you feel that something is missing I'd reccomend looking at Cupid Hanzos skin!


Holy crap! It's insanely good looking! The gold, the mapple leaf, the hearts. I guess it's time to build my Kazuha lol

樯乙 邱

Hello, when will you update the NSFW for “Happy (Slightly Late) Birthday Neuvillette”