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hello gamers sorry for my lack of content! I've been super busy but my last exams are tomorrow and I FINALLY have access to my ADHD meds again yippee!!!

I'm gonna start trying to seperate mod releases as well as maybe finding a way to more easily find old mods and stuff but anyway, there's gonna be two more today xD.

Shirtless Wriothesley is the standard, when you use his E-skill his pants will come off for a 10 second duration after (may vary depending on fps). When using his Q burst during his E-skill duration he will get hard. (Forgive me his cake is a little deflated because I forgot to export with that shapekey but I'll fix it sometime soon. additionally I adjusted his navel to be a bit lower cause I felt it was just slightly too high before, anyway tee hee)

Comes with smooth and hairy versions depending on your preference!




Your lack of content? There was like a 6 day gap don’t be hard on yourself for that! Your a human just like us so make sure your not overworking yourself ok? <3


That’s wonderful

Klayn Originel

Hiii! Ty for this mod !! 🙏 Would it be possible to have a toggle version of wrio? hide shirt, pants, dick size, body hair,...?