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hello friends! i am here with a small sample of the update i did for tartaglia. i finished all work on toggles in terms of mega cock and pubes as well as removing his water scarf during his e which will be a toggle but i am far too tired to export and release and create the toggle mod today (>_<) i'm really sorry i hope this will be nice to hold you all over. I'm really proud of the pubes! it took a lot to get them looking good and not too out of place in game :3 definitely improvements can be made but overall i'm quite satisfied and i hope you are too. tartaglia toggles will be released tommorow and hopefully lyney nsfw version as well. thats all for now folks :3 thank you so much for your support it truly does mean the world to me




thank you possible to make for 5inch and 7inch 😁

Ann Plans

yes i prepared versions for all sizes just dont have the energy to export and release at the moment (&gt;_&lt;)


Your voice is really good please make sure to record your voice on Twitter more often❤️


AH (S)CREAMING i cant wait for the lyney mod ive been checking your page like im waiting for a delivery