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You have left the maid for war. You knew it  would be dangerous and that you might never come back. However, you were hit by an arrow, and after quiet and dark, you have found yourself face to face with none other than the Angel of Death.

You can not help but feel like you have been robbed from a different future, and just hope that one day, you will meet with that lovely maid again...

Hi there!

Again XD

I am back today with another audio where you will be thrown on a batlefield and um... shot, too. Cause you know... stuff happens.

I also just wanted to create a more dramatic reunion with the lovely maid of ours, so you getting shot will pretty much do the trick. teehee

Now. The amount of time I was trying to justify everything with science, for the captain getting hit and the maid getting to him maybe in time or not, is ridiculous, just to actually remember, I created this fantasy world, so i do whatever I want with it... that being said, I also find out how a comatose person would be fed in an era like this, and we just leave it at that to keep the poor captain's dignity... and I didn't want to kill the character either cause why would I!
Also, I'm pretty sure I can throw all science out the window as soon as someone is talking directly with an angel of death... so. idk.

Sometimes, my brain works in a weird way and forget that this is a literally fantasy world where i do as i please...

So anyway... after I figured out that, yeah, I dont need science in this magical world i have created, and I just do whatever I want, i finally finished it sometimes i get stuck on the smallest of things. XD

So now we have our lovely maid next to your side, and I'm pretty sure she will take good care of you in the next audio whenever that will come.

Also... rant warning XD
It's also ridiculous how Patreon gives 0 f*ck about my scheduling. That's why it has been all over the place. I literally fix spelling mistakes, and Patreon is like yk what now that you fixed it, I will just publish your audio cause fuck you and your scheduling! I might just leave the mistakes in at this point so the app won't mess up what I want to do and when I want to do it!

Stupid thing messing with me all the time!

Anyway. Rant is over! XD

As always, I hope you will enjoy this audio and see you in the next one!





Why have science when you can have magic?! :) Nice to hear the Angel of Death and her sweet voice again. So soothing! :) At least the Captain did not lose a leg, or an arm. Must have pumped all his stat points into constitution to be able to come back from the edge like that. Or just magic, or luck, or the higher powers looking out for him. :) Nice cliffhanger. Maid time next time, eh? Gonna be lovely. :) Also, sorry to hear about Patreon being an ass about scheduling. I wonder why it does that. Anyway, thank you for the great audio! Can't wait for the next episode! :)


True. He could've end up way worse buy we promised the maid he will return relatively in one peace. So you know. My hands are tied here... he must've roll that sweet Nat 20 on his luck check before heading to battle to be able to survive getting hit by an arrow then flying off the horse (Patreon had a lot of creator angry cause it keeps glitching and stuff. Very weird. It's like this since the skin update)