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You open your eyes and see someone walking around in the room with you. You focus on her voice first, yet she is more than what meets the eye. She is indeed the villain. Your enemy, who you will have to destroy one day. For now, however, she is just introducing herself.. And you do make her angry. What adventures will await you? Is she right? Will she corrupt you? Or will you remail the hero

Hi there!

I am so excited about this. This audio is the first, where I use the binaural mic, so I am very happy. I wanted to make an audio with this mic, for a few days, now, but I had to wait for the interface, than figure out how things work, and let me tell you, I am not tech genious, and I am sad about it... However, it did work. So now I am having even more fun creating the audio.

On the technical side... I did have to fix things, and it took me way too long to figure out stuff with the mic, interface, apps, and software and all that.. Longer than I dare to admit... I'm pretty sure my YouTube recommendation will be full with tech things from now on... (spoiler alert... it is XD) However.

I still have to figure out a few things, how can I make the audio even better, and the spacing stands out even more! But it's all part of th learning process... so.. It will take me a little time.

Character wise... There is so much to this character. Villains are so exciting, and their backstory and personality is fascinating, so I wanted to create a villain character who doesn't want to get in your pants and yk.. make you hers instantly. Her saying, "Corrupting you," can mean a lot of things. So we will have to see what she is up to from here on out. Im sure a hero and villain dynamic will be quite interesting to work with.

Other than that, I will work harder for you all, and make sure you will get great quality from me!

As always! Thank you so so much for supporting me here. I know I say this a lot, but I truly mean it! You guys are the best, and I want to make sure to give back with audio quality and try to improve and always be better!

I truly appreciate the support!

Have an awesome day / rest of the day!





Patreon got sassy with me, and really said, f you scheduling. Imma just post it now instead of saving it... so... enjoy the audio a bit early I guess

Dwayne Jarrell

6th loop in (or 7th?) and I'm really enjoying this one. A setup audio for more to come, but establising the "rules" of their engagements is simply beautiful. And can't wait to see how these rules bend and break with time, for or against us. The rain ambiance was a great addition as well. Sounded like it could have been real rain at that. 🧡🧡 This one can go so many different routes in many more locations. Doesn't have to be a back alley way, or a dark and menacing place. But a market place, bath house, a library, or a broken down wagon in the middle of the forest. I have nothing but praises for our lovely DM leaving the world open to play around in. 🧡🧡 No need to point out any tech issues that you already mentioned in your post. It's all growing pains with new toys so tiss expected. The binaural aspect was also well done. The range of the audio and left/right balancing was well done. Even the moment when you walked away after the kiss. Could pick up clearly where you were in the room amd that shizz is always neat to experience. But when you master your new toys, we will certainly be dancing in the palm of your hands and I am 10,000% here for it! Much love and thanks as always, Master Darks!


Oh I'm sure she will take the hero to interesting places to say the least. 😈 I have so many ideas on how and where I can use this mic and the binaural aspect to my, cough* advantage. It will be super cool to see what it's capable of. Obviously this one was the first of many yo come and the audio spacing just opened up so many location possibilities! It'll be a journey for sure! 🥰