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I'm so excited for this. I'm not going to lie!
The one thing I wanted to do for a while is to improve sound quality, and with that, putting the listener, you, in actual space while listening to the audio.
So with this one I am able to do just that! This little piece of technology will help me to... um... position you in any way I want to *insert evil grin*
We will have fun with this one for sure.
One thing with this microphone is that It will allow me to walk around the device and it will sound like I am walking around you too! Which I'm very excited about. It opens up a lot of new possibilities for audios where it could benefit from a more spacial aware listener and scenario.

Obviously I will need to make some configuration, and figure out some settings and such, so it'll take me a while, but hopefully my next audio will be recorded with this little mic right here, but it will say in the description.

I have the next new project planned already, but this is huge in itself! I wanted to improve my content with a true binaural microphone for a while now and I'm so excited I can't even tell!

So look out for new things and more fun we gonna have here!

As always see you in the next one!!




Dwayne Jarrell

Oh man!! I cant wait to hear our struggles~ chains rattling to our left and right as you are directly in front of us, telling us everything we need to hear or making sure we honor our contract's oblivations <3 or any other scenarios you wishbto see us in. I'm also along for this epic ride!! Very excited with you!! *Sits on hands. Trying not to explode from elation*


That's the plan! This will make the audios way more exciting, and I can not wait to play with different ideas, and scenarios! *Evil grin*