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You return to her after your meeting with the queen. You are worn out, but this spicy maid offers you a massage. She has capable hands for sure, and she is willing to do a lot of things for her Lord... Or is she? 

One thing for sure... She is spicier than before!

Hi there. 

I brought this little maid back and made her even more spicy than before. She seems to be popular, and I do enjoy recording audio with her character, so why not make her a whole series to enjoy!

I did play around a bit with the audio setting, and I love how it turned out, so I'm definitely gonna keep these settings! I always try to improve the quality of the audio, and I have a big purchase in my mind too, that will take it to a new level!


I hope you enjoy the audio and have a nice day / rest of your day!




Dwayne Jarrell

Not simp'ing or bs'ing you. The first time I heard the maid audio, I looped it like 6 or 7 times. I was entranced. It was also my gateway video to your other videos and content. I'm excited to listen to this even friskier version. Also, any chance of future videos in your native tongue? The one on YT was facinating to listen too! Much love!


I'm so glad you enjoyed that 1st maid audio, and I do hope it will be the same with this one too! With my native language... I don't really know if I'm being honest. Not many people watched the first video I did, since my countryis small to begin with,, but since than my audio quality improved a lot, so might give it another try. We'll see 🥰

Dwayne Jarrell

Absolutely enjoyed this one you tease, M'lady Darks. You know what you did. Extremely clever 💜 And no pressure to make content you dont wish to. I'm loving what you already make. It happens that I enjoy unintelligable asmr. So I find myself listing to other tongues and it works for me to relax :)