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Hello there! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

What an interesting month it was! It gave some food for thoughts, and because of that I have some news for you! (´▽`

5000 Subscribers!
I received 5000 Subscribers on Pixiv (It is 5400 at this moment), and for that I thank you a lot!
( ᐛ )و
I hope that soon I will be celebrating 10 000, he-he

New Main Site with my works (SubscribeStar)
In the middle of March, Patreon said that there will be new rules about Adult Content for users. It means more restrictions and less freedom in Adult Works.

At the same time, Gumroad, another site for adult content, said that they don't allow any adult content anymore for users, too.

I looked at all of this stuff around and decided that I need to find place that will give me freedom as a Hentai creator and guarantee that they will not do anything like Patreon and Gumroad did. So I opened a SubscribeStar

SubscribeStar will allow me more freedom, no censorship and safety as a Hentai creator


But beware, with new Patreon rules, they can block my patreon page anytime and THEY WILL NOT RETURN YOUR MONEY.

I recommend to subscribe to my SubscribeStar page, where I will be posting my works without any censorship and restrictions, unlike here.

"But I already paid here, and you want me to pay again!?"
Write me in Private Messages, where I will give you access to SubscribeStar content for free

"Eleanor, I want to have a collection of your works in one folder, complete and uncensored!"

I created a big folder with all my Stories, Animations, and Scene Data. You can find it on my SubscribeStar!

If you will have any question - write me in the comments or private messages!

Link for SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/eleanorntr



iTyG Acorn

Congratulations and I will be switching in the next few days! :3 Keep up the awesome work!


Woah! For some reason I saw this comment only now! Sorry for that! :( Thank you very much for your kind words! (✿´‿`)