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 [This is a transcript with links to references.]

The physics paper that I’m most excited about this week is about an experiment that will measure nothing. But not any nothing, a very specific nothing, that’s the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics.

You might think that if you remove all the particles from within a container, then the only thing that’s left inside is space. But that isn’t so. It’s because particles in quantum physics are like waves atop of an ocean. If you take away the waves, you still have all that water! And the water underneath the waves is like the quantum vacuum. It contains what we call “virtual” particles, or sometimes they are called “quantum fluctuations”. They can’t be measured in detectors because, they’re not real particles. However, they affect real particles, and that’s measurable.

In this new experiment they want to measure the effect of those virtual particles on a very elementary process that you’re all familiar with. It’s that light doesn’t affect other light. If you cross two light beams, they’ll just go through each other. This is why light is good for seeing the world around us, because it points back to the source in a straight line.

However, that light doesn’t affect other light is strictly speaking not correct and that’s because of these virtual particles in the quantum vacuum. You see, beams of light are made of quanta of light, that are the photons. And every once in a while, a photon creates a few of those virtual particles in the quantum vacuum, and those then affect another photon! So, this is how light can, sometimes, affect other light.

The issue is that this happens very very rarely, so you can’t just take laser pointers and cross their beams, you need very powerful lasers. These researchers want to do it with the European XFEL laser. That’s an X-ray laser of super high intensity. It works by accelerating electrons with magnets in a tunnel that’s more than three kilometres long. The electrons are slightly forced off a straight line which makes them emit X-rays.

In the new paper now they suggest to cross the pulses from this X-ray laser with not one but two beams from opticallasers. This triple laser crossing is supposed to coax the virtual particles in the vacuum into interacting with the real particles in the beams. They calculate which angles would be ideal and say that this experiment might become feasible within the next couple of years with the XFEL laser that’s located in Hamburg, Germany.

I find this an interesting proposal because the quantum vacuum is kind of the essence of our problems with quantum mechanics. It’s always there, whether you observe it or not, so maybe it’s the origin of the random jumps in quantum mechanics? Well maybe not, but still, I fully support this attempt to measure nothing.


(No title)



Since I heard for the first time about this topic of the virtual particles and the Casimir effect, I have always wondered at what rate are these virtual particles created and destroyed again. Is like at one pair of particles per second per cubic meter? More? Less? Is this what this experiment is going to measure? Has this ever been measured or attempted before? Thank you!


I'm pretty confident that they won't find anything. This could help to overcome the mystification of quantum mechanics a little. "The quantum vacuum is sort of the essence of our problems with quantum mechanics". This is unfortunately true. As I said, the mystification. Schrödinger was trying to show with his example of a cat that this is not a rational way to understand physics. There are particle properties that can be determined in a classical way - without mystification and with better results than with QM. Inertial mass is a good example. The inertial mass (e.g. of the electron) can be determined classically using only the size and natural constants, without any adjustments. The result deviates from the measurement by a proportion of 1:300,000. QM has the Higgs model. With what result? No result at all.


I think the short answer is "everywhere and all the time." The Casimir effect is continuous. That could not happen if there were not always present vacuum fluctuations, pairs of particle-antiparticle popping out of nothing and quickly disappeared by mutual annihilation. So even if each fluctuation lasts practically nothing, something like the force applied to the plates by the Casimir effect will remain constant as long as the distance or the size and shape, etc. of the plates does not change. There are always more pairs of virtual particles on both sides of the plates to replace the vanishing ones, which are individually of a shorter wavelengths inside than outside, where more different wavelenghts are allowed, but the net effect is to push the plates together. For a basic explanation, this article might be sufficiently clear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_energy# And this video presents a simplified explanation somewhat different and that I like more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgJj49ws478 A simpler explanation still: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubdxQtU2bYU