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Photoshopping is Yesterday, Today is Photodragging

The DragGan App on Hugging Face uses AI to create a 3D model of a photo and then allows you to drag it. At this point it’s not exactly user-friendly, but it isn’t hard to imagine how this will blow up once it hits the mass market. Check out the examples in Min Choi’s twitter thread and have your mind blown 🤯

Video of the app in action here: https://youtu.be/3hayHGX6jtA

Young People Likely to Read News, But Prefer Watching or Listening

Figure: Digital News Report 2023, Reuters Institute

A recent report on digital media consumption, commissioned by the Reuters Institute, has found that young adults below the age of 25 are less likely than older people to consume news in written form, and more likely to watch or listen. Their preferred source for this is social media, YouTube in particular.

The survey was conducted online in January and February this year. It was filled in by almost 94,000 participants from all over the world. 37% of those aged 18-24 said they watched news videos on YouTube in the last week. And while in the age groups 35 and up about 80% said they prefer news in written format, in the group below 25, it was only 63%.

Read the full report here.

NASA’s Mars Rover in LEGO Form

Image: LEGO

LEGO is famous for its love of technical details and it doesn’t disappoint with the new model of NASA’s Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter. I really just had children as an excuse to buy children’s toys, but I hadn’t factored in my husband, so I guess this time I’ll buy at least two.



I still read the news online, but I find articles in my Facebook feed from purveyors of news and shared by my Facebook friends and acquaintances.


1. My bet is that people prefer to read because they can skim, watching or listening requires more time, unless you can speed it up. 2. I was too old for Lego and so I don't understand the attraction to full grown adults who want a model of something. The details cannot exist because the model is made of Lego blocks.