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Better MRI Thanks to Quantum Physics

German start-up NVision wants to revolutionize Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with its hyperpolarization technology (MRIs pick up on nuclear spins). The company creates and ships abnormally-strongly spin-polarized parahydrogen. Medical centers can use this to transfer to spin polarization on benign substances that can be injected into patients bloodstream. A particular good substance, for example, is pyruvate, which cancer cells like to consume. Because of the strong spin polarization, the MRI signal can be enhanced up to 100,000 times. 

This advancement could enable doctors to quickly assess the effectiveness of cancer treatments and detect tumor growth within days rather than months. The technology has been tested for safety and efficiency in cancer research centers and is ready for application. The company hopes to ship its first products next year.


Europe Might Face Metal Shortage

A major survey led by the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, on behalf of the European Commission, supports the worry that Europe might soon be running out of critical metals for electric cars. These metals, such as dysprosium, neodymium, manganese, and niobium, are essential for components like electric motors and electronics. However, they are scarce, imported, and poorly recycled. The survey warns that the lack of availability of these metals could delay the transition to electric cars and other environmentally sustainable technologies. Press release here. Report here.


A New Health Indicator That Goes Beyond Disease

A team of researchers from Switzerland has proposed a better way to measure health and well-being that doesn’t just label some people as ill and others not. Their concept, which they dubbed “human functioning,” captures the multi-dimensional nature of our everyday health experience, our physical and mental well-being, and our capacity to engage in activities that matter to us. The researchers argue that human functioning can complement the traditional biomedical approach with relevant information that is currently missing from diagnoses. Summary here. Paper here.


Conversations With Joe

I had a lovely conversation with Joe Scott about mathematics, science communication, YouTube, and many other things



So cool! Can’t wait to listen to the podcast!


The first 2 items are pretty neat. We definitely need to embrace that health is multifaceted, and that people can be well by some measures and crook by others. As for the shortages of materials for renewable energy, I hope Australia takes note and we can become a larger player in the world market. We also need to get our shit together on a planetary scale regarding working conditions and maximising the usefulness of these materials beyond their useful lifecycle. This is nothing to do with anything but I'm a bit excited that I seem to have taught my cat to respond to German. Last night I was in my bedroom, I called out 'Wo sind Sie, meine Katze?' (where are you, my cat?) and she came into the room. I was surprised that she responded at all, actually. Maybe it was because I called out, not because she understood what I wanted. Cool either way.


Also, I enjoyed the podcast interview with Joe. It's nice when creators one follows talk with each other like this. 😺


The rare metals/minerals used in modern electronics and batteries is a frustrating problem. What good are we doing the planet if we have to poison kids in 3rd world countries to get enough materials to make the people in 1st world countries feel good about themselves? It sounds like Australia has some untapped mineral potential, which will be desperately needed in the short term while engineers work on recycling of existing materials and finding better (more abundant?) materials for future use. You're going to have to do some controlled trials with your cat. She could have been headed your way already when you called to her in German. You'll need to learn 10 different languages and then... ah, screw it, your cat now knows German, congratulations!


She's just about the only one who doesn't care what I babble on about, in what language.


Perhaps she has a conspiracy with Sabine, you don't know about


Excellent about NVision combining quantum physics with biochemistry. I wonder how long and widespread such research is without many of us appreciating the significance.