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New High-Resolution Images from the Sun’s Surface

The world's most powerful ground-based solar telescope, the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, has released eight new images of the Sun, showcasing its ability to capture unprecedented details of sunspots and quiet regions. The images were obtained by the Visible-Broadband Imager, one of the telescope's first-generation instruments, during the telescope's first year of operations. The images will help solar scientists better understand the Sun's magnetic field and the drivers behind solar storms that can affect Earth and our critical infrastructure. Press release and more images here.


Elon Musk’s Neuralink Wins FDA Approval for Human Trial

The Neuralink company, founded by Elon Musk, has announced (on Twitter, of course) that it has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to start its first human clinical trial of a brain implant device. The device aims to treat severe conditions such as paralysis and blindness by connecting the brain to a computer. The approval comes after the company faced several challenges and investigations regarding its animal testing and safety issues. Neuralink said it was not yet open for a clinical trial, but that the approval was an important first step for its technology.


Study on Academia’s Attitude to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

In a survey of academics at U.S. universities, 19% of respondents reported having witnessed or knowing someone who has witnessed unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). 21% found it most likely that the phenomena have a natural origin and 13% opted for an unknown origin, while 39% just said they don’t know. The survey, conducted by researchers from the University of Louisville, also revealed that the discipline most involved in UAP research is physics, and that the majority of respondents, 64%, consider it important that academia is involved in evaluating the mysterious observations. 

Alas, the overall response rate of the survey was merely 3.9%, so chances are the people who didn’t think UPAs are interesting didn’t fill in the questionnaire to begin with. But since it’s easier to study academics than shiny flying objects, maybe the time has come for a study on unidentified academic phenomena. Paper here.



Can someone please take crop circles more seriously! 😕


I wonder if the analysts take into account the limits for human beings in the space journey. I believe that cosmos is full of life and intelligent life, although if a civilization does not overcome the laws of the general and special relativity it is unlikely to meet ET


They're made by people. How they can be made is demonstrated.


I think Elon Musk is evil. It's pretty apparent that he doesn't care about people. He's not someone who should be involved with things involving people, implants and surgery, especially not their brains. I hope that there's more compassionate people working with and for him still.


We have ample evidence that he is a jack🐴 but none that he is evil. For some people, brain implants could be a life changing device, e.g. paraplegics or epileptics.


Sabine lets the sunshine in


Neuralink has potential to help people, but I think the research money would be better spent on developing the understanding of how to get cells to heal the causes of the problem. For example, I have a nephew who is a quad due to the driver losing control of her car. The damage created a region of nerve damage that resulted in scarring that broke the brain-body connections. So, Neuralink may provide a solution, but it would be limited as the nervous system is far more flexible at rewiring connections IF the scarring is minimal. So, Neuralink should be seen as a temporary repair that wouldn't be needed if we had the understanding of how to eliminate scar tissue to allow the nervous system to grow around and through it to reconnect brain and body. We place far too much emphasis and hope on technology. Nature already provides the solution, but it just needs help. So, let's develop the understanding to provide that help instead of developing machines.