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Yes, so.

Last year I made a video about trans athletes, which some of you may remember. This didn't have much to do with my interest in trans people, but more with my difficulty understanding the relevance of competitive sports. I think in the next century or so it'll go out of fashion because any remaining gains will come down to the question what physical enhancements or genetic selection is still permitted.

That's what I think anyway, feel free to disagree...

I guess I should have seen it coming then that I would get plenty of requests to look at the question whether transgender teens should transition or whether the spike in trans-identification among teens is social contagion. I said "no" to this repeatedly when my team members brought it up because, well, too much political baggage.  But I gave in eventually, primarily because my own children are almost teenagers now, and I want to understand what's going on.

Are teens turning trans because it's fashionable? That's what we'll talk about on Saturday.

Is the person in the photo male or female? It's an AI generated image, so I think it can plausibly be said that it's neither. 



Thank you, Sabine.


I just remembered years ago (and still now) when coming out as homosexual or bisexual, or making public displays of affection with a same sex/gender person was seen to be a way to get attention. It probably was for a relatively small number of people & especially for some entertainers but the accusation was unfairly flung at actual LGBQ+ people. This is similar to these accusations now that it's peer pressure, it's fashionable, kids are impressionable, they're being manipulated by the medical industry for profit ... I think there may be a very small element of this for a few people but definitely not en-masse as often claimed. Transgender people have been more visible online, in the entertainment industries and fiction, and transgender people in general are speaking up more. I think this is great. The danger to children and teenagers is from transphobes, especially the lawmakers who are pretty much ensuring people will ultimately be criminalised for existing openly as transgender, under the guise of 'protecting vulnerable children' - the same garbage that was directed at LGBQ people in past years and still now. Transphobia is dangerous. Fuck that noise.


As one of your first fans, an avid follower or your writing, music, and science - i really hope you dont fail now. Im a mother to 28 year old trans man who transitioned in 7 th grade. Trust me . It was not to be fashionable.


She'll know about it from me if she does, I think Sabine will do us proud though.


I saw recently that there might be a rift in the LGBTQ+ crowd in that the T really ought to be treated separately. Specifically, there are some in the gay community who argue that the trans kids are just gay and confused; they should just be proudly gay instead. If this is true, it's a real shame, but it is also very likely just conservative media BS. I have always considered the US to be just a little bit more socially backwards than the rest of the developed world, but reading about the shit the LGBTQ+ crowd has experienced in Australia as well is pretty depressing. It's stupidly frustrating that a large percentage of the population is so concerned about what a very small percentage of the population does with their own genitals in private and with consenting adults.


The epicenter of the push for 'LGB without the T' is England, pretty much. They've got JK Rowling backing transphobes whilst spouting transphobia on Twitter, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull a.k.a. Posie Parker (not to be confused with actor Parker Posey) who is the anti-trans advocate who held a rally that Nazis turned up to in solidarity & support, the LGB Alliance (which is not actually so much about helping LGB people as fomenting anger and bigotry against transgender people particularly trans women) and various other notable transphobes pushing the narratives that transgender people are deluded, nobody can change their sex, they're wanting to invade women's spaces, they're too dangerous to allow into facilities like rest rooms because men are dangerous (bonus sexism and misandry) and the usual crap about sporting competitions. This has bubbled up through the scum in the last 2 - 4 years as far as I can tell. They claim to speak up for lesbians and gays whilst making claims that they're being forced to date transgender people (as if any self-respecting trans person would want to date those arsehats anyway) and claiming that supporting transgender people is homophobic (what). It's inane. I've made countless comments stating that I am cisgender and bisexual/queer and that I am not in danger and I'm not being erased as a queer person or as a female by the existence of transgender women, to push back on all this 💩🔥garbage.