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A Map Of Mars

After a painstaking six years of work, researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech have put together tens of thousands of images from Mars in one map. With just a few clicks you can now explore craters on Mars all on your own. Map here, press release here.


Double-Slit Experiment in Time

This week’s quantum news held a new version of the double-slit. Rather than the usual two slits at a spatial separation, the experimentalists used two slits separated in time. This is a weird way of saying they allowed a laser beam to either go, or not go, through a plate at two time-intervals. Rather than producing an interference pattern on a screen, this setup produces an interference in the time-domain which effectively spreads out the frequencies of the beam. It makes more sense in maths, I swear. Paper here. Summary here.


The Underwater Professor

Joseph Dituri, associate professor at the University of South Florida, is conducting a self-experiment to explore the effect of sustained, increased atmospheric pressure on the human body. The 55-year old has lived in a small habitat 10 meters below the ocean surface since March 1 and plans on staying there for 100 days. Video here. More details here.


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